Everyone has his or her own opinion of course, but there's no reason to be rude. Please consider others' opinions before making personal attacks. Just because someone likes the Premium Formats better than the statues (or vice versa) doesn't mean that you have to personally attack their opinions and make fun of them. Honestly, it's like comparing apples and oranges. They are both works of art. Some people think costuming is a very high art form - as such, these costumes are going to be ridiculously cool. Some people place greater weight on fully sculpted pieces - as such, the polystone line-up delivers.
That being said, having SEEN some of the beginning prototypes of the PF LOTR line, I can honestly say that, in my OPINION, I infinitely prefer the PF line over the poly-only line. There's life and movement and texture in them that just doesn't exist in some of the polystone line-up. They really bring the movie characters to life. Not to diss the poly because I love the 'bad guy' line-up as well as the helms and the environments. I just think that the textures and likenesses are awesome in the PF! Those of you who are excited by the news will not be disappointed.
And by the way, Andy is right when he says that the Premium Formats take a LOT more manpower and work to get right. With the poly, you've got maybe one or two sculptors, a painter and a mold-maker. Reproducing those in mass quantity is a MUCH simpler process.
With the PF's you've got the sculptor (sometimes there are multiple sculptors - one for the likeness/body, one for the base, and one for any weapons/accessories/armor), the painter, the mold-maker, the machiner (for re-creating the weapons and accessories), and the costumer (again, sometimes more than one) - who must find the EXACT right materials and colors for each piece - PLUS you've got to find a very good way to replicate each of those things - with quality - thousands of times for the production pieces. Perhaps we should do an in-depth report of how each PF piece is made to welcome you all into the world!
Ultimately, like I said, they are apples and oranges. Both works of art in their own rights. So, can we please agree on at least that?