I feel that I am well on my way to being prepared for this possibility.
At the very least, if the Nation fails and I am left to defend my family against marauders, I am getting there.
I disagree about melee weapons, though, as they cause blood to spatter...and we all know the zombie virus can be caught by coming into contact with their blood.
You have to reach out and touch them long-distance style. So a dependable sniper rifle with a hell of a supply of ammo will be your first line of defense. .50 would be preferable, but anything down to .243 should suffice.
Some may get through if the horde is large so you need to be able to take many out quickly at a closer range. .223 is not a good choice as it will hurt them, but mindless zombies won't be completely deterred by a pencil-sized hole in their chest so discount the ARs.
A good throw-back .45 Thompson with 100-round drums for magazines and hydra-shok rounds should do nicely.
Then, when those pesky luck-driven few get too close...nothing says "No Avon today. Thank you" like a trust 1911 with the same hydra-shok rounds. Truthfully, any full-sized .45 should do, but stay away from the concealable sub-compacts as your accuracy will suffer and you still want to hit them as far away as possible.
If you let a zombie get close enough to necessitate engaging him/her with a melee weapon...they are close enough to get in a lucky bite.
Keep them outside of "blood-spray" range.