What was your first Star Wars movie?

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I was only 3 when ANH was first released in theaters in 1977, but I don't think I actually saw it that year.

I remember my parents took me when they went to see at it a drive-in, but there was another screen behind us showing Pinnocchio and I ended up turning around and watching that instead. This might have been in 1977 but I didn't actually watch the movie so I couldn't say I saw it that year.

The first time I actually watched it was when my uncle took my two cousins and I to see it at a tiny theater in Westbrook, Maine that only had one or two screens I think. I'm pretty sure it was during one of the re-releases in either the summer of '78 or '79, so I would have been 4 or 5.

When Empire was released in 1980 my mother and two of my aunts took my cousins and I to see it at a theater in Windham, Maine. I remember being all excited when I got home and was telling my dad that Vader was Luke's father.

The day that Jedi was released two of my cousins and I were playing with some neighborhood kids a few houses down the street. They had a friend who's mother came over to take them to see the movie. Since my cousins and I were there too, she told us we could go with them if we had the money for tickets. My cousins and I ran home to see if we could get the money from our parents, and we all ended up going to see it at a theater in South Portland, Maine.

So I saw each of the OT movies for the first time at a different theater and none of those theaters are around today.
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I was 7 when I saw Star Wars in 1977. It changed my whole view of life and reality. At that moment, Star Trek was obsolete.
I saw Star Wars back in 1977 when I was 10 years old. I remember my friends my best friend telling me "Want to go see a movie called The Star Wars?" :lol

I was hooked ever since. :D

:lecture I remember a few friends gathering around the tv to watch 'At the movies' (whatever it was) preview. It wasn't too long thereafter caught it at a drive in with those friends. Ahhhhh to be 10 again.
I was 4 and saw ANH when it first came out in 1977. I remember the poster vividly. It was the Spanish poster and I remember telling my mom, as we passed the poster in the lobby, that Vader looked like one of my giant Shogun Warriors (Mazinga).


About a year later we took a trip to Miami where my cousin and I discovered all the SW action figures in Sears and we each came home with a few. My cousin also got a couple of Micronauts from that trip too. A little after that we moved to Miami and saw the re-release where they showed the trailer for ESB. At the time it was a great surprise that we were getting a sequel to the movie, and to not know anything about it before any trailer ever hit a theater.
A Brief Walk Down Memory Lane:
One of my first Star Wars memories involves Bob Seager's song "Still the Same" (ya, that's how old I am.) Everytime I hear that song it reminds me of being on vacation in Sanbornville, NH and my grandfather driving down to Max's (a little country store that sold Topps Star Wars trading cards). I used to carry them around everywhere I went.

The first time I had seen Star Wars was in Rochester NH. The second time was at the Revere Drive-in, (Yeah Drive-in) in Revere MA. I got this cool little booklet with a bunch of Star Wars toys in it. I was only four, so my memories are a little vague. Just images really, feelings.

I still can recall the day I got my first figure. It was a bright sunny day in Lynn, MA at the local Woolworths. The sun seemed to shine down on an end cap of Star Wars figures...Luke Skywalker it was. Ah, that was a good day.

Christmas that year... FORGETABOUTIT, Man. That was great...Darth Vader doll, Millennium Falcon, the rest of the 12 figures that was out at the time, the soundtrack (I still listen to that all time, just not the vinyl as much any more, but I still have it). Another item I still have I got that X-mas, the Chewbacca and R2-D2 stuffed dolls.

Fast forward a bit..." The Star Wars Holiday Special". I remember sending away for Boba Fett, the dude in the cartoon. At that time, I didn't know there was more to come.

A couple years later, 1980, my local Toys'R'Us... Me and my grandmother were looking around when she said " What about a Star Wars figure?" My response was "I already have them all!", but to my surprise, I DIDN'T have these. Brand new figures, "WOW A NEW MOVIE!", a snowtrooper it was. That was my first "Empire" figure and how I found out about the new movie.

Empire, I saw on a rainy day. I had brought all my figures with me , but my parents wouldn't let me bring them into the cinema. To this day when it rains it reminds of of that day.

Jump ahead '83...again I was on vacation with my cousin in Maine. I got Leia in Boushh and he got the Gamorrean Guard. I remember playing with them on the beach that whole weekend.

Jedi, was the only movie I've ever seen that got a standing ovation. People applauded through the entire credits.

Driving by the woods, I would hold my Biker Scout and Speeder bike up so it looked liked it was moving through the woods. If I didn't have any toys, I would just imagine it was there. I still had my trusty Topps Star Wars cards wrapped with an elastic band in my pocket.

Saturday Mornings- " THE STAR WARS CARTOON HOUR", ya baby, I was there. I'd never miss it. Ah, the memories.

Fast forward, 1995...The "THX Remastered Box Set". That just started a whole new adventure in the next cycle of the Star Wars journey. By that time, I had seen the films like 100 times, but watching those videos was like seeing it for the first time. Did I hear that right in the interview? Special Edition? NEW MOVIES? YEEEESSSS!!!

Now I have widescreen cards.

1997- The films came out again. I LOVED THEM, Man. You see Jabba. Check out the windows in Cloud City, the battle of Yavin, the Sarlacc, and Wampa, OH MY. It was heaven.

The month before the new film came out, I saw the video for "Dual of the Fates". I ran out and bought the tape (yeah, tape) and fell in love with the soundtrack. I wore it out before the film came out and had to buy the CD.
Driving around, just listening to that for hours was cool.

Two years after the special editions, TPM. Unlike some, I didn't expect to see the greatest movie (or greatest Star Wars movie) ever made. But Man, I F'in LOVED IT! I'd seen it 8 times and everytime I saw it, the theater erupted in applause. It was great!

2002- AOTC...I loved it! That spring/summer, there was a real sense of community with fans. People would come up to me at the local Wal-Mart (men, women and children) and talk Star Wars (the new film) and everything else Star Wars under the sun. Cool!

Sith, oh man, Sith. What can be said about Sith besides BRILLIANT! I left the theater speechless. I was moved. I was blown away. Not only was it arguably the best film, it made all the others better as well.



P.S. I still have those trading cards, except now they're in binders.
I dont remember if I saw Empire in the theater..but i vividly remember going with my Dad to see ROTJ at the mall theater and I was 7 years old..Still have the ROTJ hardcover book they gave out with Luke on the Skiff on the cover..and I went to KayBee Toys and Hobbies after and got a Gamorrean Guard and Emporer Crimson Guard figs.
1981 a local hotel had a cinema room and did a double bill of star wars and empire

My mum took me and she loved the films too - not as much as me
I was 7 then
I was 5 yrs old, first movie I ever saw in a theatre.
Fell asleep halfway through.
Played on TV a couple of years later and I was so excited I started shaking all over 10min before it started.
Do movies still do that to kids now...?
I think I was 5 or 6 years old when my uncle showed me "Return of the Jedi", probably back in 1993 or 94 or something like that... Anyway after that I quickly had to see all the other movies :p and I got a collection of SW action figures my next birthday :D

Ever since I've been hooked on Star Wars tbh. The 3 Star Wars films, Terminator 2 and Aliens are probably my favourite movies from my childhood.
I saw "Star Wars" in 1977 at Graumans Chinese Theatre in Hollywood - I was 3 years old - It was the first Movie I ever saw in theatres and it stuck with me ever since...
ANH as a 3 year old. The only thing I remember is the scene were Leia is confronted with the interrogation droid with the needle. That scared the crap outta me.
For me it was ANH back in 1997 when they realese the remastered VHS:thud:, was like 12 years old:slap, remeber watching the 3 movies in a day:panic:, felt in love with the story:peace
My first that I remember is the best one, ESB. I am 32 now, but I remember being a wee little kid when one of my Dad's employees brought over his Laser Disc player and ESB. That memory really sticks out for me.
I'm not sure if it was 77 since I would have been 3 at the time so I assume it was a re-release the next year? No clue but what I do remember is that my dad took me to see Star Wars (not a ANH) when I was really young. I can still remember buying my first figure, a Darth Vader, at a local JC Penny's sometime after that as well....

Empire has more lasting memories for me since I was a bit older.... At-Ats, Yoda, "I am your father"... :panic:

I still remember walking out of the theatre and asking my dad "Is it true??" :lol
You're lucky. I was a five year old in a neighborhood full of eight and nine year olds, and they spoiled the surprise. Not that my mind was any less blown when I finally got to see it. The end of that duel is one of the most powerful scenes in movie history.
You're lucky. I was a five year old in a neighborhood full of eight and nine year olds, and they spoiled the surprise. Not that my mind was any less blown when I finally got to see it. The end of that duel is one of the most powerful scenes in movie history.

I'm starting to realize that my son will never get to experience the movies the way I did, most importantly the ESB duel.

On a slightly unrelated note I think initial watch order should always be 4,5,6 then 1,2,3, or else so many things are spoiled. Vader, Luke and Leia, Yoda, Jabba etc, etc.... Anyway, that's how I hope to introduce them to my son.
Stupid PT.:mad:
first one was ANH...think I was 5ish watching it at my sitter's house on VHS. Ended up watching the entire OT in one day.
ROTJ in the theater....i watched it about 20 times that summer. haha. I think it brain washed me.
I'm starting to realize that my son will never get to experience the movies the way I did, most importantly the ESB duel.

On a slightly unrelated note I think initial watch order should always be 4,5,6 then 1,2,3, or else so many things are spoiled. Vader, Luke and Leia, Yoda, Jabba etc, etc.... Anyway, that's how I hope to introduce them to my son.
Stupid PT.:mad:

That's definitely the way to do it. It would have been impossible to have told the OT the way it was told if Episode 1 had come out in 1977. We lucked out, and you can come close to replicating it by controlling how your son sees them. Just make sure he sees 4-6 before the re-releases because he'll want to see them on the big screen.