And the increase in prices. I bought the first two Iron Man die cast. They were 300 USD each. Now they're 400 (not these two, but the newer ones). Did the price on metal just skyrocket? I don't know what my max is, for buying a figure, but I'll buy a lot less when the average price s 250 instead of 200. It's not just 50 USD. It's psychological as well. Paying 200 USD for a fancy toy (I'm in europe, so I pay like 350) is A LOT. It's too much, but hey, I'm a nerd and I love these figures. But that was kinda my psychological limit. Anything above that is just crazy. But if the right figure comes along, I'll pay the cost of admission to have it. But again, a 20 USD 1/12 Ripley can be pretty bad but still good. At 250 USD it has to be beyond amazing.