What's the point of Marriage?

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Uh oh... Now the gloves will be coming off... Rory, count to 10 before posting a response. :lol

Nah, Rory and I are cool.

I do think *part* of it is because of his age though.

I'm just confused how your initial post asks, "whats the point of marriage?", but then you equate being married to her getting fat, you not getting any, etc. You do realize that any of those things can happen (to you as well, age is a ^^^^^ believe it or not to male or female) whether you're married or not :lol
Nope. Gene and Shannon are "happily unmarried".

That's ^^^^ing awesome. That's how it is over here as well. I once thought Depp was cool for having a life partner but then he got married and had kids. Now he's just like everyone else. If he's happy though that's his thing.

I too think life would be boring without companionship of some type but I also think a marriage would be limiting yourself.
I have been happily married for ten years now and love it. If you believe women are superficial and promiscuous, that's all you will attract. It's the same as women saying that all men are pigs. We aren't. There are lots of men who are, but not all of us.

If that is what you believe marriage is, that's all it would ever be for you. So, my advise is don't get married. Save yourself and the woman the pain you'd both go through.
I guess so. I am glad I am not religious and don't value cultural traditions. :lol

Haha! Nice!

Well, my grandparents on both my mom's & dad's side were married until they died. That was around 40 years for each couple. I think the problem is no one has any values anymore and it's all about me instead of the whole. Which I'm fine with, cause it is all about me, ^^^^ everyone else. I love you guys!! :hug:

I agree with Rory on most parts, but if I do find someone that special and we both want to get married I see no reason not to. Almost got married once when I was younger but it didn't work out, so whateve.

Hell, I do not want kids though. I know how much of hellion I was, so no boys and no girls because my backyard can only hold so many bodies.
Uh oh... Now the gloves will be coming off... Rory, count to 10 before posting a response. :lol

No way Pix, I am not angry about any of this at all. :lol

I know I am in the minority here and I just felt like having some discussion on the matter. I have thought this way since I was 12 years old. Everyone around me always thought I would change my mind. I hear that all the time about kids and getting married but till this day I answer them with a resounding no. :lol

It's just not my bag I guess. :duff
I'm married and I doubt I'd ever do it again.

If you're planning on having kids, I think marriage is valuable. I don't get the "happily unmarried" thing if you share a child. It teaches the child not to commit and shows the child he/she isn't valuable enoungh for the parents to commit.

But if you never plan on having kids, yeah, I would recommend staying unmarried.

Just one thing, when you're 82 and crapping your Depends, its probably pretty handy to have that extra pair of hands to hose you off.
Nah, Rory and I are cool.

I do think *part* of it is because of his age though.

I'm just confused how your initial post asks, "whats the point of marriage?", but then you equate being married to her getting fat, you not getting any, etc. You do realize that any of those things can happen (to you as well, age is a ^^^^^ believe it or not to male or female) whether you're married or not :lol

Yeah, definitely, you and me we're cheesy B! :rock

I was using a lot of the stereotypes when making my first post, just to stir up some conversation. Sure it doesn't happen to everyone but it does happen sometimes. I was just trying to make it sound pretty bad. :lol
I know someone who is currently going through a divorce after 23 years of marriage. What a waste of time.
Why the sudden interest in this topic? Is it because SHE has been broaching the subject with you? :naughty :lol
I love my GF but I would never marry her... or anyone for that matter. I think it's unnatural to have law tied up into a human relationship. The only people that need to be in that business are the people in the actual relationship.

I don't know personally of a single lasting marriage. Hence why I am so cynical about it all. I know all people internally can be vicious and ruthless... hence my precaution and trepidation. Just protecting myself is the way I see it.

Like I said before, if things don't work out with my GF I want it to only be our business not anyone elses like the government and lawyers and such. I have lived with her for over 6 years now and I am very happy with her but if I ever wasn't then I don't have to play a stupid game and dance to continue living my life. :D

Rory and I must have the same sort of (older) friends who's marriages are either about to fall about, wish they weren't married because of all the reasons stated, or on their 3rd or 4th marriage.
Why the sudden interest in this topic? Is it because SHE has been broaching the subject with you? :naughty :lol

Actually, to be honest I am really interested in this subject because of this particular thread on another board.


It deals with divorce and how many fathers are losing their children because of the antiquated laws of divorce. To me that is tragic news! Inequality in the eyes of the law is something that really bothers me.

As far as my GF is concerned, she is if possible more against having children than I am! :lol She shudders and lets out a gasp of horror when small children come near her. One time my step mom asked her to hold a little baby and you should of seen the look of disgust on her face....she is perfect for me. :love :lol

I believe she once wanted to marry me but I have told her that it's not going to happen and if she were to push the fact then there is the door. I wouldn't want her to be unhappy so I would let her leave if I couldn't do something she desperately wanted.
That's ^^^^ing awesome. That's how it is over here as well. I once thought Depp was cool for having a life partner but then he got married and had kids. Now he's just like everyone else. If he's happy though that's his thing.

I too think life would be boring without companionship of some type but I also think a marriage would be limiting yourself.

So I would venture to guess you consider yourself a selfish person who cannot be content with what they have? Always needing to pursue other interests??

Your comment about Depp is actually kinda saddening. He's just like everyone else?? Getting married and having kids does not make you more or less cool. You are who you are, and if he found something that made his life more happy that would be "cool."

For the record - I am married, two kids, wife whom is not fat, have sex for the most part when we can or want to and still party more than the average person.
Everything we do is because of rituals and traditions which have been passed down through the generations. Whether it was simply for survival or because someone with power tried to control the masses, it all goes back to simple habits and traditions. There really is no need of an "official marriage" but many believe that it is necessary in the eyes of "their higher power". But why? So you won't just move around from one person to the next, taking someone else's mate? So you don't spread diseases? So you go forth and multiply and take responsibility for the children? Probably all of these and then some. Without getting into a religious discussion/debate, most of our traditions like marriage come from written religious texts.
Rory and I must have the same sort of (older) friends who's marriages are either about to fall about, wish they weren't married because of all the reasons stated, or on their 3rd or 4th marriage.

You are more right then you could possibly imagine. :lol

I hear it everywhere. I see it everywhere. My parents got divorced when I was young too and it was very bad. I was left neglected for a very long time and to this day I don't have a mom. I don't think marriage is very natural. We all change in life and to commit due to religion or law doesn't make sense to me. The only way a marriage is needed is for the sake of children. They need all the help they can get when adults start being selfish.
Actually, to be honest I am really interested in this subject because of this particular thread on another board.


It deals with divorce and how many fathers are losing their children because of the antiquated laws of divorce. To me that is tragic news! Inequality in the eyes of the law is something that really bothers me.

Yeah that is the suck, but I think even in common law disputes the mother is still the favored party. I believe Utah has actually done a lot to change that fact but there is still a long way to go.
i'm not planning on getting married either but not for the same reasons. i just dont like being with the same girl for extended peroids of time. cant help it. that's the way i am. plus i hate kids so what's the point? what i really hate is people who keep telling me that i will get married someday and that i will change my mind. OK. if you say so.:rolleyes:
So I would venture to guess you consider yourself a selfish person who cannot be content with what they have? Always needing to pursue other interests??

Your comment about Depp is actually kinda saddening. He's just like everyone else?? Getting married and having kids does not make you more or less cool. You are who you are, and if he found something that made his life more happy that would be "cool."

For the record - I am married, two kids, wife whom is not fat, have sex for the most part when we can or want to and still party more than the average person.

I am a selfish person but why not, life is incredibly short. :D

I have realized early on that I don't want commitments like children or a wife because they can and might hold me down.

My Grandparents have called both my GF and I selfish and you know what it doesn't bother me in the least because my decisions and choices are making me happy. :)
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