What's the point of Marriage?

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I do believe age has a factor in how you view things.

In my younger days, I was against marriage and wanted to have nothing to do with children. Years later, I can't imagine not being married and having a kid. Don't write it off yet.
i'm not planning on getting married either but not for the same reasons. i just dont like being with the same girl for extended peroids of time. cant help it. that's the way i am. plus i hate kids so what's the point? what i really hate is people who keep telling me that i will get married someday and that i will change my mind. OK. if you say so.:rolleyes:

Get used to it because it won't stop until you are an old man. :lol

I just laugh when I hear it now.
Common law marriage is recognized only in the following states:
District of Columbia
Georgia (if created before 1/1/97)
Idaho (if created before 1/1/96)
New Hampshire (for inheritance purposes only)
Ohio (if created before 10/10/91)
Pennsylvania (if created before 1/1/05)
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Everything we do is because of rituals and traditions which have been passed down through the generations. Whether it was simply for survival or because someone with power tried to control the masses, it all goes back to simple habits and traditions. There really is no need of an "official marriage" but many believe that it is necessary in the eyes of "their higher power". But why? So you won't just move around from one person to the next, taking someone else's mate? So you don't spread diseases? So you go forth and multiply and take responsibility for the children? Probably all of these and then some. Without getting into a religious discussion/debate, most of our traditions like marriage come from written religious texts.

Yeah. If you believe in theories of evolution and survival of the fittest and that kind of stuff, its pretty evident that the marriage state has contributed to the survival of the species. Otherwise, the ritual simply wouldn't exist.
I pretty much tell any female I get into a relationship with that I never want to get married. Nor do I want kids but that's a different subject. I've seen too many guys lose half of everything they owned because they got divorced. In this day and age of women wanting equality they sure don't ^^^^^ and complain when it comes to alimony. :rolleyes:

If I love someone and am in love with them, I'm not going anywhere. Marriage just gives people a reason to stay in a relationship that they don't want to be in and it makes both parties miserable.
I do believe age has a factor in how you view things.

In my younger days, I was against marriage and wanted to have nothing to do with children. Years later, I can't imagine not being married and having a kid. Don't write it off yet.

you know, I do understand when people say that. We aren't static and things could possibly change. But at what age is it ok to rule these things out. There is no real answer to that question. Someone can be resolute about their beliefs no matter what age they are... I think it's more about experience and believe me when I say I have plenty of that...especially bad experience. :sick
Oh when I said that comment about Depp I really meant that I thought it was so cool that he was going against tradition and defying what everyone else does. I kind of see marriage as following the herd. One reason for my view point is that marriage is a religious thing. Most people in the US aren't even very religious yet they go through this ceremony and pronounce their love to a god that they don't truly respect. The next years they break their promise to God and get a divorce. Most people don't mean it, they are just going through the actions.

I also, don't like the government in my affairs so there goes reason number 2 to get married. :lol
what's really sad is this guy i used to work with. he's in his 50's and is divorced and suffers from some mindset where he feels he needs to be married at all times. so he found some woman on the internet who lives in Florida. after a couple months he decides to quit his high paying career he's had for 29 years and move to florida with no job on the horizon just to marry her and be with her. i wanted to tell him that divorce # 2 is just around the corner for him.:lol
I usually piss people off with these threads because I am offensive and very cold when in a debate. I apologize in advance so please calm down. This is all about a friendly discussion.

One of the best professors I ever had told me that it is very possible to disagree yet remain best friends- you just have to be compassionate towards the views of others. :duff
No offense, but you seem a bit obsessed with counter culture for the sake of counter culture rather than for a real specific cause. Just saying that based on the statements about Depp and how you respected him because he wasn't doing what everyone else does...not sure how that in and of itself makes one cool or righteous or great. I always kinda think famous people are seeking attention by saying, doing certain things that were extreme, not that they were doing them to make a social statement or anything.
I think people opposed to marriage are just scared. They'll dress it up in different ways, but at the end of the day they're driven by fear. Humans are social animals that pair bond and marriage is a ritual derived from that basic evolutionary trait. Of course some younger guys will hold off in hopes a Playboy model is just around the corner...

Married men also live longer! :lol
Common law marriage is recognized only in the following states:
District of Columbia
Georgia (if created before 1/1/97)
Idaho (if created before 1/1/96)
New Hampshire (for inheritance purposes only)
Ohio (if created before 10/10/91)
Pennsylvania (if created before 1/1/05)
Rhode Island
South Carolina

No Md :rock :rock :rock
No offense, but you seem a bit obsessed with counter culture for the sake of counter culture rather than for a real specific cause. Just saying that based on the statements about Depp and how you respected him because he wasn't doing what everyone else does...not sure how that in and of itself makes one cool or righteous or great. I always kinda think famous people are seeking attention by saying, doing certain things that were extreme, not that they were doing them to make a social statement or anything.

I really thought it was neat that Depp stood for something or so it seemed. I like standing up against tradition if there is no real reason or purpose for it being so. For example, a lot of people have unconditional love for their parents or relatives- I don't view love that way. to me love is something that is earned and doesn't come regardless. I don't love my mom. I see her as the person she is and just because she brought me into this world doesn't mean I should automatically love her for no reason. She doesn't deserve my love in that way, she abandoned me and my sister.

I have a very strong sense of who I am and what I find morally and ethically appealing. I think it takes a lot more balls to stand up against a tradition like marriage then it takes to give in to it. i kind of view traditions as personality stealing because of how many people blindly follow in others footsteps.
I think people opposed to marriage are just scared. They'll dress it up in different ways, but at the end of the day they're driven by fear. Humans are social animals that pair bond and marriage is a ritual derived from that basic evolutionary trait. Of course some younger guys will hold off in hopes a Playboy model is just around the corner...

Married men also live longer! :lol

The nature of man of to procreate and make sure the species has a healthy population. That is just nature. It is our nature to ^^^^ as much as possible. I don't know what's happened to people's morals in the past 50 years but the divorce rate is out of this world. I don't know if people are just getting married too early or if cheating on your spouse is just a lot easier now a days.

I have a 2 year rule. I will not even consider marriage unless I'm with someone for two good years. Not just two years, but two good years of very minimal fighting and I felt like I'd want to make that level of commitment. Then she'd need to sign a pre-nup. And I'm not joking.
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