-Super Hans-
Super Freak
lol lol lol wtf its just a bust guys chill. wolf is better though 

One bust that is definitely better than both.....
Theres a good chance you will hate the film, so I wouldn't be to worried about seeing it and suddenly needing the PF.
Its one of my very fav movies of all time, but I would not say it has a large fan base by any means.
What should you expect? Its very much a fairytale movie, its a hard sell, and many see it and hate it.
Let me make one recommendation, watch the Ridley Scott directors cut without the Tangerine Dream soundtrack, replaced with a magnificent Jerry Goldsmith score.
I don't even know what movie it is. All I know is that the collectibles look pretty cool.
Is that what you sig and avatar are based off of King?
Theres a good chance you will hate the film, so I wouldn't be to worried about seeing it and suddenly needing the PF.