I like this list. Luke as a Jedi is essential. Even though there is already an Attakus Jedi Luke (with a ghastly likeness) an SS 12" Jedi Luke figure, and an upcoming GG bust, there still isn't a definitive version of this character in Jedi form. No doubt the PF line would fill that void.
Slave Leia is a no brainer. It's an absolute must for the line; however, if SS doesn't make one, the GG version will be an excellent substitute.
As for Han, I think we've got the only version we'll need. I could go for a Han in ST disguise or in carbonite; but, if neither of those got made, I wouldn't be bothered by it.
A Geonosis Padme is a must too along with one or two of her in Queen Amidala attire. Geonosis Arena Padme is another one that is poorly represented by GG and Attakus, and should be made right in PF form by SS.
Palps/Sidious, I'll take either or both. If we get Sidious, I'd rather have one pre-deformed with saber, and a cane for Emperor Palps.
ROTS Yoda I'd like to see with saber in hand.
TPM and ROTS Obi-Wan would be cool display seeing the transition from Padawan to Jedi Master.
For Anakin, personally, I'd like to see on of this character from each episode:
Little boy Anakin TPM
Padawan Anakin AOTC
and Jedi Knight Anakin ROTS
This, like three Luke's, is an absolute must.
However, if making multiples of a character cuts into new characters getting the PF treatment, then I'd rather have new characters like:
Aayla, Mace, Dooku, Jango, any of the Jedi Council (EP's 2 & 3) a couple battle droids, Maul, Qui-Gon, Lando, Clones and Commanders (Ep's 2 & 3) Chewie, Tusken Raider, etc.
Right now, Aayla, Shaak Ti, and Geonosis Arena Padme are my top choices with Mace and other Jedi council members next.
Here's hopin.
Khev said:
Luke (Jedi outfit in addition to the current two)
Leia (Gold bikini)
Han (his ESB jacket)
Obi-Wan (ROTS and TPM versions)
Padme (Theed invasion, Geonosis arena, Mustafar)
Palpatine (ROTJ, ROTS)
Yoda (ROTS)
Anakin (ROTS and AOTC)