Well, I used my free time at work today when the kids were working on stuff to make this list. This is a list of what statues I'd like to see, an order they could be released in, and what I think they could be priced at. Yes, I did have a bit of free time today.
- Frodo/Sam or Merry/Pip
- Eomer $250
- Frodo/Sam or Merry/Pip $275
- Lurtz $250
- Saruman $275
- Balrog $325
- Theoden on Snowmane $300
- Mouth of Sauron on Steed $300
- Faramir $250
- Cave Troll $325
- Uruk-hai (Helm's Deep Version) $275
- Bilbo $225
- Eowyn (White Dress) $250
- Elron (Council Attire) $250
- Grima Wormtounge $250
- King of the Dead $275
- Denethor on Throne $275
- High Elven Warrior $275
- Fountain Guard $275
- Galadriel $250
- Mordor or Moria Orc $250
- Easterling $250
- Rohirrim Soldier $300 if on horse or $250 otherwise
- Gandalf the White $250
- Gothmog $275
- Sauron $350/400
- Haldir $275
- Gollum $225
- Battle Troll $350
- Witch King in True Form $250
- Berserker $250
- Gil-Galad $250
- Elendil $250
- Isildur $250
- Shelob $300
- Aragorn in gate of Mordor sequence $250