I agree, but all of the suspense is gone when you watch the OT first.
So, you'd rather spoil the Vader reveal than know that Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, and all the Jedi are killed??
Honestly, at this point in Americana, hell, in movie history "No,
I am your father" is one of the most best lines in movie history. Ruining that to keep the suspense of lightsaber duels?? Sorry, but that's just
Further, if your first introduction to a lightsaber is Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan just whipping them out and standing there waiting for the Battle Droids to start shooting. . . that seems kind of anti-climactic. With the OT first, the lightsaber is introduced as a 'magical weapon' Obi-Wan explains it, and gives the viewer the information he needs to process the story.
Watching the OT first, gives you the rules of the universe and establishes the stakes. OT is "OMG, GALACTIC WAR, Rebels vs. Empire, struggle, fight, fight" PT gives you "OMG, it's a political dispute, the planets are arguing over taxes and trade routes" I mean, seriously, which one would you rather watch?? Are we watching a space epic or CNN??
I think part of the strength of the prequels is knowing the eventual outcome, and watching how the players are moved towards that end. Knowing the Jedi are purged at the end of ROTS makes their actions more intriguing. Them fighting in the Geonosis arena, is more interesting from the perspective of "You know you're all going to die in 5 years anyway, right??"
As the prequels stand on their own, Anakin's actions are hasty, and really don't make a lot of sense, but if you go in with the knowledge that's he IS going to turn out bad either way, it allows you to take his actions with a grain of salt, and at least lets you just sit back and enjoy the ride. . . though enjoy is a relative term.
We'll know who lives and dies all throughout the PT's. When a little kid watches Phantom Menace after the OT he'll know right off the bat the Qui Gonn and Maul die and Obi Wan lives when that epic fight begins.
Considering the score of TPM spoiled Qui-Gon's death, I don't think it was deemed that important to the Star Wars mythos. . . I swear, when I picked up that CD at Target and read the tracklisting and it said "Qui-Gon's Noble End" I threw that CD down and was like "WTF?!?! Seriously?!?!" Why would you put that on there??