Super Freak
They left out Lethal Weapon 5 and 6.
..... the assumption that white actors are simply more bankable for the studios.
think of locking threads like the movie minority report. You havent seen the crime yet, but the cops in the movie were preventing it before it happens.
there are certain guidelines, certain parameters. mods have to carefully check in what direction the thread is going
Towards an early death.
to Vallhalla
excellent threadI started this thread because I got sick of reading threads where people complained about a white guy not getting an acting role. Specifically, there were 3 threads. The thread would identify specific movies with specific characters once played by white men where that was no longer the case.
Then I would read the howling and crying and bitching about how tough it is for white men to get movie roles, and how changing the character was racist, and how the world is so unfair. People acted like losing the role was taking food off their table. And the howling would go on for many pages.
Then today, someone posted about the Rocketeer movie noting that "a black female, of course" was cast in the role. And I just got sick of it. So in under a minute on Google I found a hundred examples dating back to 1915 where people of color get replaced in movies for white actors (both men and women). And apparently the practice is common still ongoing.
So when I gave an avalanche of evidence, examples, and proof that shows that that people of color are far, far, far more likely to lose a role to white performer all the champions of racial equality in the other threads went eerily quiet. Apparently, the form of discrimation where white men aren't the victim doesn't garner much support on this site- despite the fact that this discrimination enormously more common in movies. Despite the fact that I gave examples from movies that aren't even out yet. Despite the fact this has been going on for almost a hundred years.
I offered a hundred movies where white guys DID get the role over a person of color, where the character WAS CHANGED, or they hired a white person to play a person of color. But no one really wanted to have that debate. For some discrimation on this site is only valid when the white guy doesn't get the role. And the responses I read in this thread and the Rocketeer thread are very telling about many people on this site.
It's pretty tame. The Gestapo are at lunch.
As to the original topic:
The two are slightly different. One is upset that originally a character was written as Caucasian and is now for whatever reason some other race. The other is that the character is something other than Caucasian but is being played for the most part by a Caucasian as the other race. That Jolie role should have caused an uproar.
You are correct. There is a nuanced difference between the two issues and you parsed it out.
But the larger issue is as I've stated above. There's a major hypocrisy at play on this site.
my question was regaring Bruce, is the hulk its own species?
Huh, did not know that.
excellent thread