Should I get serious? ok ill stop joking for a moment. it does annoy me that when Hollywood wants to be progressive in their casting, a lot of times they dont include hispanics. you'll see a cast of 8 white people and then 2 African American actors or sometimes one Asian actor.
look at Marvel. the only movie that had some hispanic actors was Ant Man, and they were not even the hero. there will never be a hispanic actor playing a marvel hero. but sure, tell me how I should care about more "diversity in Hollywood" when hispanics are barely represented in most movies. white actors dont represent a hispanic person but African American actors dont represent hispanics either. look at Jurassic World, where was the hispanic people? the movie was based in f ing Costa Rica. yet none of the crew were latinos? are you f ng kidding me? Joss Whedon complains so much about Diversity, OMG Diversity OH YEAH! barely hires latinos... right.
thats why im so cynical about this entire thing. WHERE was the Latina Ghostbuster? Paul feig keeps talking about diversity, hires mostly white people... JJ Abhrams complains how "The oscars are too white, the room is too white, too many white people" barely hires latinos.
Lejuan mentioned hypocrisy, hypocrisy goes the other way around as well, Every time a "progressive" director asks for progress and diversity they just hire a couple more African American actors. thats' "Good enough"
Should I get serious? ok ill stop joking for a moment. it does annoy me that when Hollywood wants to be progressive in their casting, a lot of times they dont include hispanics. you'll see a cast of 8 white people and then 2 African American actors or sometimes one Asian actor.
look at Marvel. the only movie that had some hispanic actors was Ant Man, and they were not even the hero. there will never be a hispanic actor playing a marvel hero. but sure, tell me how I should care about more "diversity in Hollywood" when hispanics are barely represented in most movies. white actors dont represent a hispanic person but African American actors dont represent hispanics either. look at Jurassic World, where was the hispanic people? the movie was based in f ing Costa Rica. yet none of the crew were latinos? are you f ng kidding me? Joss Whedon complains so much about Diversity, OMG Diversity OH YEAH! barely hires latinos... right.
thats why im so cynical about this entire thing. WHERE was the Latina Ghostbuster? Paul feig keeps talking about diversity, hires mostly white people... what the hell was his problem? JJ Abhrams complains how "The oscars are too white, the room is too white, too many white people" barely hires latinos.
Lejuan mentioned hypocrisy, hypocrisy goes the other way around as well, Every time a "progressive" director asks for progress and diversity they just hire a couple more African American actors. thats' "Good enough" they dont give a rat's butt about real diversity, they dont care about hiring more mexican actors, why should I take them seriously?
here, ill show you the only Latino superheroes!
thats it.
DC? Marvel? X men? a big F YOU thats what![]()
Why is it that so many on this site give a full throated condemnation to discrimation when the white guy doesn't get the role, but when I raise a pervasive, and ONGOING casting practice that general benefits whites (men and women) people get painfully and obviously uncomfortable? All of that racially equality stuff I read in other threads goes right out the window. The champions of equality suddenly go so very Silent.
There's a major hypocrisy at play on this site.
The second is irritating but it's just part of the culture of complaint that seems to have escalated everywhere in recent years. Even so, white, middle-class men complaining about sexism and racism is pretty damned precious #poorwhiteme #wouldn'tknowracismifitstoodupinmysoupandpissedinmybeer
I know plenty of white kids who got beat daily going to predominantly black schools in the south. I think what would be edifying is if people learned the difference between the terms 'some' and 'all' and then used them correctly.
it's like, disney never even made a latina princess movie...(nor do they plan to) the closest it came to do that was this weird chick:
so yeah,sure, lets bring that Rocketeer chick on board while disney keeps ignoring latinos
lets have the only latino in the marvel universe be a stereotypical thief.... yeah ok, f u Disney.....
I was talking about the usual suspects on this board. But more broadly, isolated incidents of minority dominating hegemony don't come close to replicating the experience of being a minority. When all the spirit-babies are waiting to get their family they're praying for white, no doubt![]()
yeah but there's also Nick Fury, Falcon, mother freaking Black Panther! (now the Luke Cage tv show) ... War Machine...![]()
the latino fanbase dont have anything like that movie wise, the only thing they have is El Diablo from suicide squad![]()
Im not familiar with the term enlightenment culture, but the skin tone issue is it's own massive can of worms.
I didn't know we had usual suspects. More benefits to avoiding the movie section than I knew. But there are more aspects to this that are not being considered. One is that Enlightenment culture was propagated mainly by people who have light skin, it was participated in mainly by people who have light skin, and the fruits of that culture's legacy are mainly enjoyed by people who have light skin. Success is not racial. Enlightenment culture is not white culture.
Two, the least racially oriented people I know are Enlightenment heirs.