Who is the most overrated character in all of Star Wars?

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Look at this way: There are 2 catagories of Jedi death we can examine when it comes to the whole force-ghost thing.

a) Jedi who discover this for themselves do not disappear.
b) Jedi who are taught this technique do disappear.

There you have it.

a) Anakin and Qui-Gon were self-taught. They were cremated, like all Jedi.
b) Obi-Wan and Yoda were taught by Qui-Gon. They disappeared.


Geek geekiness for geeks who love this type of geekiness. :monkey5
Re: Who is the most ove character in all of Star Wars?

Of course none of that is a problem for those of us who learned that continuity would no longer be an issue in the Lucas universe. :D
That Vader guy - way overrated - take him out and all 6 movies would have been much better...

...yep, that's my opinion...

Darklord Dave said:
That Vader guy - way overrated - take him out and all 6 movies would have been much better...

...yep, that's my opinion...


And replace his less-than pivotal role with a more honoured character--- a Jar Jar type character...
wax murderer said:
I'd like to point out that Vader doesn't fade when he dies; he just dies. Luke cremates him on Endor. How he then "ghosts" is another question.Perhaps Ben and Yoda are waiting for him?...PS

Same thing was done to Qui-Gon. He gets cremated.

That is why I wonder if Yoda and Ben died of more "natural" causes. Did both of them pick the time to die?
Maybe Yoda and Obi lost the will to live. :monkey3

Seriously though, maybe they didn't die so much as let go of their physical bodies or something like that. :confused:

So long as we are pondering the continuity conundrums of the Star Wars Universe, would someone tell me how the two minute old Leia is able to remember her "real mother" and know she was sad? I mean, I've heard of total recall but...

And for my fellow EU fans, is it just me or did Labyrinth of Evil and Clone Wars vol. 2 end in the same place time wise?
Agent0028 said:
....So long as we are pondering the continuity conundrums of the Star Wars Universe, would someone tell me how the two minute old Leia is able to remember her "real mother" and know she was sad? I mean, I've heard of total recall but...

Leia's remembrence was aided by the force. Apparently Luke doesn't have that gift as strong as she did. :monkey1

Agent0028 said:
And for my fellow EU fans, is it just me or did Labyrinth of Evil and Clone Wars vol. 2 end in the same place time wise?

Nope. In LoE Obi and Ani are on Tythe when they learna about Palpatine's kidnapping... Whereas in CW vol. II they're on that ape-thing planet where Anakin gets that tatoo.
jlcmsu said:
I'm so confused. :rotfl

Whats so confusing? :confused:

If you learn how to do it yourself, you still leave your body behind.

If it is taught to you, you can marge your body with the force when you choose to end your life.
pixletwin said:
Whats so confusing? :confused:

If you learn how to do it yourself, you still leave your body behind.

If it is taught to you, you can marge your body with the force when you choose to end your life.

I was just kidding about all the information being talked about. I was being a smartbutt and it went over like a lead balloon.:lol
jlcmsu said:
I was just kidding about all the information being talked about. I was being a smartbutt and it went over like a lead balloon.:lol

:lol my butt is not very smart, but it does resemble a lead balloon somehow.
pixletwin said:
Nope. In LoE Obi and Ani are on Tythe when they learna about Palpatine's kidnapping... Whereas in CW vol. II they're on that ape-thing planet where Anakin gets that tatoo.
No I mean the end, didn't both LoE and CWII end with Obi and Ani hightailing it back to coruscant to save Palpy?