Who is the most overrated character in all of Star Wars?

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IrishJedi said:
:clap :clap :clap

Good call! Mara Jade is one black hole of overrated SUCK.

I second that! Can't stand that red-headed beyotch! One good reason why the EU sucks. She's just a rip-off of the Marvel character Shira Bree who was an imperial spy Luke fell in love with and later accidentally shot down and she returned as the Sith lord Lumia.
dekadentdave said:
I second that! Can't stand that red-headed beyotch! One good reason why the EU sucks. She's just a rip-off of the Marvel character Shira Bree who was an imperial spy Luke fell in love with and later accidentally shot down and she returned as the Sith lord Lumia.

Even worse, in the EU Luke gives Mara Jade Anakin's lightsaber which (before the PT made lightsabers as expendable as paper cups) was the Excalibur of the saga!! And worse than that, this was the lightsaber, as you recall, that fell from Cloud City after Luke's hand was cut off. It was recovered... from the belly of a space whale, I believe (no joke!!)

Gawd, the EU can be so super lame. Remember the "Tales of The Bounty Hunters" book? You know, the one where Kevin J. Anderson would have you believe that IG-88 downloaded his brain into Death Star II and was about to destroy both the Rebels and the Imperials and take over the galaxy just before it blows up?? :rotfl

Seriously, how can people read (and then DEFEND!!) this crap???? :confused: Even Lucas on his worst day during the prequels didn't hack it up like a lot of the EU has. Though, incidentally, the Midichlorians do bring to mind the utter craptasticness that was the Ysilamiri from the Zahn books. "Ooh! Lizards that create 'bubbles' in The Force, rendering Jedi useless like Superman with Kryptonite! What a great idea!!!" Good lord. :(
IrishJedi said:
Gawd, the EU can be so super lame. Remember the "Tales of The Bounty Hunters" book? You know, the one where Kevin J. Anderson would have you believe that IG-88 downloaded his brain into Death Star II and was about to destroy both the Rebels and the Imperials and take over the galaxy just before it blows up?? :rotfl

Yikes. Thats the reason I never got into the EU. The only one I actually read all the way through was Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader.
madden821 said:
Yikes. Thats the reason I never got into the EU. The only one I actually read all the way through was Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader.

That was written by James Luceno, who also wrote CLOAK OF DECEPTION and LABYRINTH OF EVIL. Not coincidentally, these are probably the 3 best EU novels to date.

He's also currently writing the Darth Plagueis/Palpatine novel which I am very stoked about.

His stuff, the animated CW and the KOTOR games are the only things that keep the EU from being entirely tainted by crapiness, imho. BTW, the DARTH BANE novel is pretty darn good too, but that's not surprising seeing as it was written by the main writer behind KOTOR (and, amusingly, the weakest elements of the book are all stuff that comes from previous EU continuity set during the same period.)
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IrishJedi said:
Seriously, how can people read (and then DEFEND!!) this crap???? :confused:

Some of it isn't very good. Some of it is pretty dang interesting and good. It's just like anything some of it is bad and good. However, just because you don't like it doesn't make it crap!!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
IrishJedi said:
That was written by James Luceno, who also wrote CLOAK OF DECEPTION and LABYRINTH OF EVIL. Not coincidentally, these are probably the 3 best EU novels to date.

He's also currently writing the Darth Plagueis/Palpatine novel which I am very stoked about.

So is it crap or is some of it good? How can you defend this crap remember???????

Shadow Hunter is also pretty freaking good as well. Gives some nice info about Maul. I enjoyed it a lot.
I despise EU, but in the heat of pre-ROTS madness I did read Labyrinth of Evil. That book was a good time.

As for the topic at hand, I love Boba Fett as much as the next guy, but he is the very definition of "over-rated character." I used to have a talking keychain someone got me. It was Boba Fett's head and the coolest thing he said was, "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold." Which is the Star Wars equivalent of, "Put my luggage in the trunk."

I love the guy, and you can't ever take away the coolness of a boy's first mail-away toy, but he is not the baddest bad-ass in the universe. He LOOKS like the baddest bad-ass, but basically he follows the good guys to thier buddy's house and calls the police. And then he's a burp joke.
IrishJedi said:
Seriously, how can people read (and then DEFEND!!) this crap???? :confused:
I read it because I enjoy reading and I like Star Wars, combining the two is pleasurable for me. I defend it because I get tired of people putting it down just because they don't like it. No, not all of its great, but that's life. But thanks for putting it down.
Agent0028 said:
I read it because I enjoy reading and I like Star Wars, combining the two is pleasurable for me. I defend it because I get tired of people putting it down just because they don't like it. No, not all of its great, but that's life. But thanks for putting it down.

What he said!!! :duff
I think the EU since the PT is better. The PT really defined much of the SW universe so you don't get the convoluted crap that many other authors came up with. The greater definition gives you less possibility of contradiction which I think much of the EU sufferes from. In Lucas SW universe things aren't quite as far fetched as they are in many other sci fi stories and I think this is the main problem. SW is philosophy wrapped in sci fi and most EU is sci fi dressed up as philosophy.
DarthNeil said:
The ANH fight is iconic--- poetic--- and incredily moving. That big black &$## just killed Ben! Shoot the door, kid! He's advancing ominously--- after stomping on the old dirt encrusted robe first... Why do we need Vader to flip over Obi-Wan's head to which the old hermit does the splits and slices his lightsaber in a 180 before leaping up and going all karate kid?

Editorial--- over.

I agree. When I first saw Star Wars - I knew that Vader and Kenobi would clash at some point in the movie - but I wasn't so much anticipating HOW they would fight (I knew they would duel lightsabers), but how it would turn out. And when Kenobi sacrifices himself so that that luke and the others could make their escape - it was a pretty powerful moment. THEN - when Kenobi's voice comes to Luke later in the film - it magnified the emotion.

When I watched Kenobi and Anakin fight in ROTS - the fight itself was definitely more elaborate and "action packed" - but I found the conclusion strange. For a pretty dang violent and heavy scene where teacher kills and leaves his student to die - it was kind of empty. Like I was watching the endgame movie sequence for a mediocre game that I didn't find too challenging to complete in the first place.
Re: Who is the most ove character in all of Star Wars?

tinister said:
When I watched Kenobi and Anakin fight in ROTS - the fight itself was definitely more elaborate and "action packed" - but I found the conclusion strange. For a pretty dang violent and heavy scene where teacher kills and leaves his student to die - it was kind of empty. Like I was watching the endgame movie sequence for a mediocre game that I didn't find too challenging to complete.

Yeah, and he never said "give my lightsaber to my son ... you know after my wife loses the will to live."

I was really hoping for that!
lol. And I didn't get the whole "Don't try it Anakin - I have the high ground" bit. The whole sequence - they were fighing each other on platforms, perches, on pieces of metal floating in lava - jumping all over the place and around each other.

But suddenly - the advantage goes to Kenobi cause he's standing on an embankment a few feet about Anakin?
tinister said:
lol. And I didn't get the whole "Don't try it Anakin - I have the high ground" bit. The whole sequence - they were fighing each other on platforms, perches, on pieces of metal floating in lava - jumping all over the place and around each other.

But suddenly - the advantage goes to Kenobi cause he's standing on an embankment a few feet about Anakin?

Obi's warning was more metaphorical meaning that he had the moral high ground, not just the literal one. He knew he could take Anakin if he tried to leap and would have no choice but to strike him down.
dekadentdave said:
Obi's warning was more metaphorical meaning that he had the moral high ground, not just the literal one. He knew he could take Anakin if he tried to leap and would have no choice but to strike him down.

Right there's a bit of symbolism in that set of events.
tinister said:
lol. And I didn't get the whole "Don't try it Anakin - I have the high ground" bit. The whole sequence - they were fighing each other on platforms, perches, on pieces of metal floating in lava - jumping all over the place and around each other.

But suddenly - the advantage goes to Kenobi cause he's standing on an embankment a few feet about Anakin?

...especially when you consider Kenobi pulls the EXACT same move on Maul in TPM:D
I think another facet of that moment is Anakin's arrogance believing that he would be able to jump high enough to get over Obi-Wan and take him down.
Re: Who is the most ove character in all of Star Wars?

YoNoSe said:
...especially when you consider Kenobi pulls the EXACT same move on Maul in TPM:D

Well what makes that even worse is Maul looks at Kenobi, looks at the lightsaber -- THEN Obi-Wan jumps, Maul is STILL just standing there ....

Oh well, at least he was able to come back as a cyborg. :maul
YoNoSe said:
...especially when you consider Kenobi pulls the EXACT same move on Maul in TPM:D
To me that's a little different because Obi-Wan was barely hanging on, and he had no lightsaber. IMO Maul let his guard down. Another instance of misplaced arrogance methinks.