Easy DA, those kinds of statements might get you labeled a Conservative.

I think we all have a little of both in us.. I am certainly conservative about a few things.
The more I learn about the world at large, where we really are with oil, food, soil, sanitation, water...etc... the more pessimistic I become about the survival of the human race. Something needs to change soon, or else we will end up dying off or killing one another.
I think we lean too heavily on our planet, which hurts us. I think that our country and others too, seem to reward idiocy... which in turn promotes bad behavior with each coming generation. We're going to end up as a civilization of idiots, with no topsoil for farming, trash everywhere, polluted water and no electricity. I seriously think we might all end up in another dark age eventually if we keep it up.
People like the woman in that article are really screwing up the world for those of us who care. And people in power aren't doing anything to stop it either, they are just as bad as she is... They only care about what gets them re-elected, and they only tackle problems when they are right in their faces... not before... when it really matters.
It's kind of like Gondor in ROTK... if Gandalf never showed up.