Who will get the license to make Conan?

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Even if the new Conan movie isn't great, I'd still like to see a Hot Toys Momoa Conan . He looks more like the literary and comic character.

Don't get me wrong though. I'd still like to see an Arnold Conan also. I grew up with those movies and Arnold is one of my favorites. I'd buy both!
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I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! I don't mind of those who think it will be a crap, I can't wait to see it! :nana:
Please Hot Toys or Enterbay get the license and make some amazing figures of that guy!!!
Man I know I sound like the purist wanker but I don't want the Arnie Conan either!

I want Frazetta Conan !
I'd love an Arnie Conan, especially with the sculpts HT have been putting out of him from the Terminator, Predator licences.
Meh, I'm interested in seeing the movie, I suppose. I mean, I'll give it a chance.

I'd love an Arnie Conan, especially with the sculpts HT have been putting out of him from the Terminator, Predator licences.

Yeah, I almost thought they had more of an Arnie license going on there, more than anything else. I'd be nice to have more figures of him, ESPECIALLY Conan.
I want HT's to get the license and hopefully they'll go back and put out a couple Conan's from the original film. All I really need though is the Temple of the Serpent version!
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! I don't mind of those who think it will be a crap, I can't wait to see it! :nana:
Please Hot Toys or Enterbay get the license and make some amazing figures of that guy!!![/QUOTE]

I'm with ya Aneses! :hi5: I think this Conan movie is gonna rock! Every new pic I see confirms that Momoa is gonna make a great Conan. He definitely has the Conan look. That's another reason I'm hoping Hot Toys produces a figure too!
I want an HT Arnold Conan so bad! Hoping for the following 3 versions-



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