My vote went to "Old Ben"....
There has been alot of discussion in various threads of "too many jedi so far" in the first year. That may be a valid comment, but I love the jedi and I'll say one thing for them....thanks to the large robes and layered costumes, they make great looking figures(just imagine how impressive a group of 'em is going to look displayed together)...when a figure features a more form-fitting costumes like Luke or Han, they tend to start looking more doll-like to me. (Yeah, yeah, I know...get real...they ARE dolls ). Plus it has saved on research & resources for SS having a basic look that just needs a little tweaking to the accessories and different fabric choices to change the figure as opposed to a whole new costume to develop ala Luke, Han, Bib & Boussh...
Back to the topic at hand....
Don't know how the next jedi will be but...
With it being such a significant anniversary year, I won't be surprised to see the focus shift away from the prequels and more towards the classic films (It sure would be nice to get a comment on this from SS) but I'm hoping we still get the occasional prequel character in the mix.
While I voted for Old Ben, I'm hoping for Plo or Ki Adi from SS at some point(although the Hasbro editions are pretty good on both of 'em), and Episode One Obi-Wan, or a Bespin Luke. If an Old Ben is on the horizon, the trunk with saber hilts and accessories ala the recent Hasbro action figure Luke would make a great exclusive.
Vader (the ultimate fallen jedi) isn't out of the question soon (despite the PF version)...he is such an iconic and central character to the saga that it's not hard to see SS making an exception to the rule of avoiding duplication between the standard and PF lines.
While there was no news tonight, we'll hear soon enough!