The best of the non OT movies is Rogue One
YES.. agreed !
The best of the non OT movies is Rogue One
PT is not a failure, thanks Hot Toys for deliver wonderful PT figures with amazing scuplts up to this moment. Anakin/Sith Ani sells very wel...
PT is not a failure, thanks Hot Toys for deliver wonderful PT figures with amazing scuplts up to this moment. Anakin/Sith Ani sells very wel...wait until next ROTS Obiwan huehue.
..but ST is indeed a ** * failure, look at those TFA jokes still rotting in retailers lol for nearly 3 years haha...and soon TLJ abomination will suffer the same fate.
Facts dont care about your feelings "ST lover"
You're a social worker? Well at least you don't have far to go when you need assistance. Seriously you seem so wound up - almost like you're ready to go postal. But thank you for the STD comment - I am nothing if not persistent
I actually do agree with you regarding TLJ& TFA. They were not good movies. Not sure whether they will affect price of collectibles or not but I think they will have a negative effect on Star Wars overall.
Then by your own admission TLJ has done absolutely nothing to hinder the sale of figures from prior films. If PT figures are still in high demand then OT sales sure as hell won't be slowing down.
As for PT figures selling "better" than ST figures due to ST figures not selling out, well without public edition sizes you have absolutely no basis whatsoever to make such a claim. All you can say is that for the ST supply exceeded demand. For all we know HT realized the dubious appeal of the PT and only made 1,000 Anakins compared to 10,000 Finns. If they then sell 1,000 Anakins and 5,000 Finns then that obviously doesn't mean that there's no market for ST figures, only that they overestimated the demand.
And to compare apples to apples you would first need to know edition sizes (which we don't) and then you'd need to compare ST figure sales to PT sales *at the time of the PT.* And we all remember piles of piles of TPM figures rotting in clearance bins before being bulldozed into trash heaps from 1999-2002.