Will this Guy Ever stop?!!?

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Ok, now that someone got it for $350 already, I'll lower my bid and wait till it goes down to $349.99 :lol :lol :lol

Have to admit, having Stark's face lessens the impact of the new costume, which frankly I don't like. Th reason I didn't get this originally was because I preferred the classic costume.
detoyz said:
Sorry to disappoint you but I am not the seller.. I'm just cool with the fact that these “defects” are being sold at a whole lot cheaper price. You guys are taking things way to serious. I mean even Sideshow hasn’t done anything yet. So what’s all the *****ing about? Chill man!

Sucks, but it serves Sideshow right!

That's what they get for making such a cool piece so limited!:lol :monkey5

@BadMoon: 'We're keepers of the peace'? OMFG! BadMoon's a JEDI MASTER!:horror:emperor
Hmm.... this guy seems to be talking with the same broken english like the seller, and even calls the fakes that are being sold just "defects." Fishy fishy.
i got this email from another burned ebayer..
re: kanoushimai
Hi. IM Exclusive Comiquette finally arrived. THE SAME PROBLEMS AS YOURS. + i have also problem with the serial number: serial number on case: 258/500 but serial number on base 260/500... UNBELIVEABLE... TOO BAD...

i will ask kanoushimai for a pic and post it here..




Oh man the base is even off as well. this seller seriously needs to stop lying to people and get his ass off of ebay. :emperor
Are you guys checking the ed numbers against what is listed on the board? If he sold a number that matched and there was proof said number already exsisted then something should be able to be done.
El Roranous said:
Here is another one guys!


Please report it as fake to ebay.


And if someone could email the winning bidder that would help too. I heard that the only reason ebay will not stop this is because the seller isn't getting negative feedback for them. People are fooled at first so they give positive feedback...let's stop it.

is this a fake or a returned or rejected item from the china factory? if it is returned or rejected, it's not fake but rather a scratch and dent sale. :lol
mfoga said:
Problem is that in HK this not illeagal. We may want to alert Dave and get this guy banned but thats all we can do.

One thing we know is that if get actaul pics we will be able to tell the difference.

u can easily tell the fakes by those plate thingies on his back. one on left is turned wrong and is fake. paint is off too. notice the different reds of back and legs on the fake. don't know if these are factory defects or complete, made from the ground up fakes, but it's pissing me off. this guy is flooding the market w/ these. he's sold at least 15-20 of these.

and i have no idea why P1XAR would buy one from him. he's got an original exclusive. maybe to show to the authorities. :confused:
we really need to find out if he's selling factory defects or fakes. if they're defects than they just might be part of the original 500 run which wouldn't be so bad. or they could be defects which were remade in which case there's probably duplicate edition numbers out there, which would suck.
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P1X4R said:
ah gotcha. like someone there posted, u might not be able to leave him neg feedback tho because ebay may remove it if he files a no apment claim. hope it works tho! good luck. i emailed a few past winners of his stuff and told'em some of what we know and gave them links to here.
i just neg the seller:maul .. the seller claimed he was going to refund me 525.00 back from the sale. he never did. soi am off to file a paypal claim..
i just neg the seller:maul .. the seller claimed he was going to refund me 525.00 back from the sale. he never did. soi am off to file a paypal claim..

good luck with claim.

at least there is a negative on his record now!

what a freakin' jerk :emperor
Mookeylama said:
ah gotcha. like someone there posted, u might not be able to leave him neg feedback tho because ebay may remove it if he files a no apment claim. hope it works tho! good luck. i emailed a few past winners of his stuff and told'em some of what we know and gave them links to here.
Thanks for doing that. I really think we can put a damper on this guys business- it will only take effort. Hopefully we are at least pissing him off. :rotfl