I was lucky to get one just before it sold out. I hope it turns out as great as it looks right now!
Today, I've received the new dates por the Flexpay payments for this item:
7/25/2012 $75.00
8/25/2012 $75.00
9/25/2012 $74.99
We can see there's a two months delay now.
This is just to advice the people who has not the FLEXPAY option and cannot know it.
A September release is fine with me. Too many items hitting around the next few months. My wallet needs to recuperate!![]()
Welcome to the board first off and I agree this place is a great place to be.
I merged your post/new thread with the current thread on this statue. This statue should be a pretty damn good looking statue and a must really.
Well...I only thought I was a true collector until I joined this amazing forum and my God my eyes have been opened to far bigger and better figures...this is a beautiful hobby to be a part of and I am definately proud to be a part of the community and considered a collector for life. I decided to step up to Sideshow's Statues. So far I will be receiving 3 PF's from their "the Dead" line and now I just came across a picture of their "Ringwraith".
I do love "the Lord of the Rings" movies and have read the novels but that is not why I am thinking of Pre-ordering this one...I just think he looks completely bad as*.
I noticed the exclusive edition sold out which had an exclusive hand with a dagger but honestly that is not something I really care about anyway.
I am just curious to see if anyone here has anything to say about this particular Ringwraith.
Like I said I am new to PF's and Sideshow Statues in general but absolutely love demon type figures especially ones with capes and swords.
I already have 4 figures I have purchased that I am waiting on to receive...this is going to be without a doubt the happiest Month for me as a collector....but Being that this is a Pre-order, I can afford to add him to my list and also this will ensure that he does not sell out on me leaving me to pay much more for him on EBay.
This is the Ringwraith I am referring to:
Thanks in advance for any comments as to whether or not this will be a figure worth having.
EDIT: mods/admin thank you for moving my post I am still getting used to using this forum. I apologize for not taking my time to search first.
Hey Septic Flesh, welcome to the forum. One thing I might suggest is putting the exclusive on waitlst if you didnt pay a deposit on the regular. You may not care about the dagger but others likely will, it always seems to be that way. And for the same upfront cost of 250 dollars you have much greater down the line potential for the piece to hold its value if you buy the ex.
My 2 cents.
I already need help...because I am seriously thinking about dishing out some serious cash for a "Morgul Lord" off of EBay. Man they are expensive. I need to just calm down and breathe...okay I have a Ringwraith on Pre-order, an Undying Carcass and a Templar's Verdict on the way, a Frozen Dead on Pre-order, and a Samurai Predator on Pre-order.
That is quite a bit of figures to be receiving not to mention 3 out of 5 of those I should have within a week.
I think I can hold out on the Morgul Lord for now because I am really dishing out money and I am not exactly rich...I just know how to make things work out when I really need them to.
If I still come across similar deals on EBay for the Morgul Lord (exclusive or regular) in about a month I'll grab him then and not have to worry about killing my bank account. I just need to slow down a little bit...I am sure many know and have dealt with this problem before.![]()
Well a good question is what are the odds that more of an exclusive item will be back in stock?
Also I never plan to sell any of my figures but I understand what you are saying.