Whose mask?It's a prop mask guys *yawn*
Whose mask?
The 1/5 Elder is far superior to the 1/5 P1.
Nope, Elder is superior. His head doesn't look like a balloon.no, not even close. fail.
Nope, Elder is superior. His head doesn't look like a balloon.
whatever makes you sleep at night. p1 is epic, eldar is fail.
I'm very surprised nobody has figured out exactly what this is a shot of yet. I guess it's hard for me not to know, but I thought it would be more recognizable. Don't overthing it.
I'm very surprised nobody has figured out exactly what this is a shot of yet. I guess it's hard for me not to know, but I thought it would be more recognizable. Don't overthink it. Remember the 3PO & R2 PFs teaser was a small section of 3PO's crotch.
Forgot about the bone trophies, nother reason it fails.
Oh and the unmasked head is only an exclusive right? It might look like a balloon, but it atleast resembles the creature a bit..unlike the masked head. Nother reason the Elder statue is superior.
but anyway...
After looking at all of the Wolf LSF pics the only piece of armor I can see that has engravings in the same style as the ones in that teaser is the wrist gauntlet.
the marvel & star war guys were able to figure out their preview photo just like that! while the preds experts continue to struggle, i think we have a bunch of posers here!
His head looks inflated and plasticy.i dont know why you think p1's head look like a balloon, it makes no sense. If you want to make that comparison the eldar head looks much more like a balloon and completely out of scale with the body, along with the awkward gun hand pose as if someone snapped off the joint.. also the messed up knife and lack of any switchout accessories.
p1 has the most epic pose holding out the ex bloody skull. Will be displaying him with unmasked head unless they add more detail to the bio mask.
...can you tell us which Predator it is? Or if it's a statue/bust/prop...?Starting to look that way.