Not really a 'master piece' considering theres quite a few issues with it
No, not really that many issues. We are not talking fine art here.
Not really a 'master piece' considering theres quite a few issues with it
No, not really that many issues. We are not talking fine art here.
Problems aside, it is amazing when you see it in person.
Well, he did have a lot of issues when it came out. Talking mostly about the amount of fragile parts and breakages, very high rate. I'd be ready to bet that's why Sideshow cut it short on production, too much cost effective to produce AND deliver.
I always wondered how hard is it to make PVC dreads on 1:4 Pred head sculpts? Like they did with the 1:1 Wolf bust. Sounds like a hell of a job since they should be deatachable, but it would help a lot reducing breakages.
EDIT: also, they would need to make only 1 set of them, and then the collectors could attach them to the portrait effectively used, displaying the unused one on the stand without the dreads.
EDIT2: *****k, now that I think about it, Preds have all those trinkets on their dreads, you'd need to know exactly which dread goes in which spot, would require an illustrated sheet.
Well I can think of one glaring problem with it that prevents it ever being a masterpiece. The others are minor if you have a love of yellow ochre paint
As for the dreads, I think they are better than any other pred statue to date .
Not really a 'master piece' considering theres quite a few issues with it
Netting is a non issue for most.
Nothing SS makes it 100% accurate, and the netting does not look bad at all. Works fine for other Preds.If accuracy at 2K isn't an issue fair play to you but Im not rewarding incompetence at that price point. Sorry but the nets look s***
They are actually my biggest annoyance if you put aside the leg netting. A few of the dreads are very much fused together which isn't a great look. Other than that, it's a huge and impressive statue no doubt.
The Berserker has a simple colour code to match the dreads, easy peasy
Hated the rubber dreads on the CM. Was my main concern with longevity.
If accuracy at 2K isn't an issue fair play to you but Im not rewarding incompetence at that price point. Sorry but the nets look s***
well, people pay up to 4k for the CM Pred and that one is by far the most inaccurate Pred of the big 3.
The netting on the legs actually completes it for me and that's not me saying that because the piece has it... But he has it on his chest... Why not the top half of the legs.
I Prefer it with the netting, and I'm not just saying that.