Super Freak
I really am ready for another Pred movie. And I agree with you guys, a Wolf Pred prequel would be all kinds of awesome.
Wolf prequel needs to happen.

I really am ready for another Pred movie. And I agree with you guys, a Wolf Pred prequel would be all kinds of awesome.
PREDATOR: The Rise of Wolf
No, Rise of Wolf depicts how he has to deal with an Alien Queen killing his parents. The rest of the film shows why he was forced to a life of cleaning up alien scum.
[SPOILER3]In the climatic battle he kills the Queen and retires in his Pred mansion. Years later he gets the distress call from earth...[/SPOILER3]
Saying that I really want this statue, I'll probably have to pay about 3 thousand for it though.
I haven't seen one without leg netting. I figured someone would have had it removed.
I've read that too. It's a shame. I figured someone very skilled could find a way to end result Wolf without leg netting.
I read it can't be taken off without damage.
Especially when the studio who made him helped create it.
The netting fused into the leg. Probably a covered-up for leg breakage during manufacturing process, or being a product of a complete miscommunication from SS to Chinese factory like Iron Man Mk VI LSB.
Personally I don't mind it. The statue is gorgeous enough.
oh not that much really....just the arc reactor being....UPSIDE-DOWN and the paint apps being laughableWhat was the issue with the Mk.VI LSB?