I wouldn't be surprised with at when you are hitting the ORDER button for that Bad Boy RB if you aren't looking at a $2999 price tag when you do it.
RB you are totally allowed to spend your money on whatever you want... My comment was more a general one on the LSF format as a whole. I honestly just don't get the massive price hike
Oh and Batman is going to make you eat those words when you get him RB.... You are going to cray like a little ***** he is going to be so DAMN AWESOME!!!!!
Okay Spidey, lets break your points down...
I was speaking with a SSC rep on facebook last night and it looks like you might be right...i was told that the Iron Man LSF will indeed be more than the usual $1999. I think this is due to the removable ammo armour which will be a nice touch aswell as the additional light up features. Do i think it will be as high as $2999? Definately not in my opinion, but even if it was - my love affair with Iron Man would blind me senseless and i'd still buy him!
All joking aside, of course all the LSF's are over priced but unfortunately if thats what Sideshow charges for it and if its a piece that we really have to have then what are we to do. Take the Galactus Maquette for example, a huge statue almost on par with the Wolverine LSF size and with tons of features like lights, attachments, etc...yet SSC are selling it at more than half the price of an LSF, and the Wolverine doesnt even have any features whatsoever
Same with the Maul LSF and the Neytiri LSF...all overpriced...but SSC knows that if that character means something to someone in someway then they'll buy it, like me with Iron Man for example, i'd seriously pay the $2999 to have it in my collection
As for Batman, i'm only kidding with you. Listen, i still have the Exclusive on pre order myself so i cant hate it that much...its just little things like changing the bat logo on his chest to a sewn on version and then not even positioning it correctly, same with the cape defect, etc...at the end of the day its Batman, everyone needs Batman in their collection and whilst i dont think its a perfect sculpt its the best we're gonna get in a long while so i'm hoping to feel differently once he's in hand
and i know your looking forward to getting him too so i'll be looking forward to your first thoughts and maybe a video review from you!!!!