I think I'd like a battle-damaged WW (of course this may be asking for too much lol)

I think I'd like a battle-damaged WW (of course this may be asking for too much lol)
Well yeah, but this wouldn't be the first time they switched both figures to the same sculpt. Just look at the Jyn figures.
Getting a Battle Damaged MOVIE wasn't enough?
If this doesn't get enough preorders is it possible they could switch the head sculpt on this to the far superior Golden Armor version?
After the so called "bait and switch" with the Mark 85 not a chance
I don't understand why they wouldn't use the other sculpt though. They have to realize too that it's considerably better and would get more sales with it.
Love this face sculpt even though the Golden Armor face sculpt is beyond incredible! They should just use the latter for both figures.
Went with this version as I wanted the classic Red and blue costume.
I am hoping to swap the Golden Armor head onto a different figure.
And then use that older sculpt (or a knockoff 3rd party) on the golden armor with the helmet on.
I do not want to ruin the head (paint or hair) if the helmet is on. And with the helmet on, it obscures it enough where the accuracy to Gal Gadot will not matter as much.
What's your plan for her tiara (as the GA figure doesn't come with one)? Try and pick up one of the removable ones (that comes with this figure) on the secondary market?
Mattel released the white dress barbie, I wonder if that dress is in scale to work. [emoji38]
I have this doll and yes, it can be fitted on a phicen body!
Could you please tell what phicen body you purchased?
I used the TB League S02A for the blue dress but as I mentioned earlier, skin tone shades do not completely match.
Based on your recommendation, I might have to pick up that WW84 Barbie then - I've seen it as low as $48 but it mostly hovers around $69 on Amazon.
I'm sorry I dont know which one exactly.. (I threw the box away) but she has smaller breasts. I checked the one you have and she has attached feet, mine are removable. She also came in an orange bikini.