Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

The first Thor movie had some decent music by Patrick Doyle, I don't think it was used again though so it hasn't really imprinted like it otherwise might have.
Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

That trailer looked terrible. This movie might be the first fresh movie from the DCEU, but what exactly about that trailer looked good? I get on Marvel for they're generic movies but this looks far more generic, in every way than their latest stuff.

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

That trailer looked terrible.


This movie might be the first fresh movie from the DCEU, but what exactly about that trailer looked good? I get on Marvel for they're generic movies but this looks far more generic, in every way than their latest stuff.

I wouldn't call it terrible, but the fish out of water story seems very by the numbers. I do like the way she moves and fights, but her line delivery and face look a bit wooden to me. Also, we might be getting a big CGI fest in the third act, which is getting a bit repetitive.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Nice it seems like like it share the tone of Thor 1 and Cap 1 the war setting of Cap 1 . Still I would like to see it have a little edge if its WW1 they need to show the real conflict and not just tone it down to the point were its a video game. Still now sign of the villian who I assume is Ares.

I am still very curious how the show her origin " I had no father I was brough to life by vesus" they are either aliens or decendents of aliens .

One thing I would love for these movies to have is a strong love story all the romance is in these movies are terrible, Steve Trevor is toast !
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

It's interesting how we're in the golden age of superhero films, and there are only a few memorable themes, like WW, TDK, and maybe MOS. Other than those themes, there's nothing else. The MCU, X Men films, Spider-Man films, Dead Pool and even Hell Boy are all forgettable. What happened?
Your opinion sucks, man. Seriously, you're freakin' mad.


... and of course

All great music and memorable superhero themes.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

That trailer looked terrible. This movie might be the first fresh movie from the DCEU, but what exactly about that trailer looked good? I get on Marvel for they're generic movies but this looks far more generic, in every way than their latest stuff.

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I love this new era we're in where no scene in any movie can ever remind you of another film. Someone should have told George Lucas and Steven Spielberg in the 70's and 80's that they were doing it wrong.

I suppose LOTR is now "generic" because it's battles were reminiscent of Braveheart and what's with TDK copying scenes from Heat and Silence of the Lambs? SO "by the numbers." Every scene in every movie better reinvent the wheel or else.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I love this new era we're in where no scene in any movie can ever remind you of another film. Someone should have told George Lucas and Steven Spielberg in the 70's and 80's that they were doing it wrong.

I suppose LOTR is now "generic" because it's battles were reminiscent of Braveheart and what's with TDK copying scenes from Heat and Silence of the Lambs? SO "by the numbers." Every scene in every movie better reinvent the wheel or else.

Don't forget Batman 89.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017


When Sam Raimi said that he used Superman: The Movie as a template for the first Spider-Man, and then portions of SMII as the basis for Spider-Man 2, people thought it was a great call. Now such actions are cardinal sins.

I think when Lucas, Spielberg, Nolan, Tarantino and other directors do it and it works well is because their movies still have enough original material or moments to counterbalance the scenes, characters, or templates they borrowed from other movies. It also effective when they "borrow" from obscure films or old movies most people haven't seen.

As soon as I saw WW and Pine in the alley, I thought of Sups...which is not a bad thing, same company.

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I think when Lucas, Spielberg, Nolan, Tarantino and other directors do it and it works well is because their movies still have enough original material or moments to counterbalance the scenes, characters, or templates they borrowed from other movies. It also effective when they "borrow" from obscure films or old movies most people haven't seen.

As soon as I saw WW and Pine in the alley, I thought of Sups...which is not a bad thing, same company.


I like how they brought back Diana's geeky look that Lynda Carter made infamous. The fact in that scene she's kicks ass in the trailer is awesome. Gal has the perfect body for a geeky Diana trench coat look :clap

This is what Gal being a formal print and campaign model comes in handy..she can rock any outfit they put on her :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017


I wouldn't call it terrible, but the fish out of water story seems very by the numbers. I do like the way she moves and fights, but her line delivery and face look a bit wooden to me. Also, we might be getting a big CGI fest in the third act, which is getting a bit repetitive.

It's not just the story though, every line dropped in that trailer I've heard a thousand times before. The action looked extremely generic, the visuals didn't impress me at all. Overall, it just looked like a mix between Thor and Cap 1 and both of those movies are mediocre in my opinion.

I'm not too familiar with the Wonder Woman character, but I don't know if it's her delivery or just the writing, but everything that came out her mouth sounded horrible.

:lol :lol :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

It's not just the story though, every line dropped in that trailer I've heard a thousand times before. The action looked extremely generic, the visuals didn't impress me at all. Overall, it just looked like a mix between Thor and Cap 1 and both of those movies are mediocre in my opinion.

I'm not too familiar with the Wonder Woman character, but I don't know if it's her delivery or just the writing, but everything that came out her mouth sounded horrible.

:lol :lol :lol

I hope no one at WB reads comments like these and pulls a BvS marketing strategy by revealing the only action of the film in a reactionary trailer.