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Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Trevor always sculpts with wax. What are you talking about?

Trevor uses digital sculpt as a medium. It's only after that it's done, does he sculpt the statue. :stick

I want to see Tim Miller sculpt a Harrison Ford. If he can then I will agree they might be at the same level, until then Trevor is way above. :D

Yah, TG is a great digital sculptor. Must be tough to scan a likeness of someone. He is not the same caliber as old school sculptors of Tim M, Andy B, Martin C & CS Moore.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Trevor uses digital sculpt as a medium. It's only after that it's done, does he sculpt the statue. :stick

Still say that you are BSing. Nowhere in this interview do I see the words digital sculpt. Taken from an interview with Trevor Grove here:

AP: How do you typically start a new portrait sculpting project?

TG: Well, my work tends to be on the smaller side so I like to work in hard wax. Depending on the scale of the piece I’m working on I like to pour a wax ‘buck’ as a basis for each portrait. Sometimes I’ll take a mold of a previous portrait that’s in the same scale and I’ll make a wax casting from it to begin sculpting with. I tend to just need something that’s got the right volume, it’s not important which head you’re starting off with.
I also do a lot of research into my subject before I start. That’s just to say I dig deep for LOTS of photo reference. I’m typically only doing likenesses when I’m hired to do a portrait and in order to do a really good likeness, I feel like you need tons of reference. It’s not good, in my opinion, to guess too much if you don’t have to. I try to find great profile shots, great front on shots, and every angle and every lighting condition you can find. I’ll typically have hundreds upon hundreds of photos that I refer to when doing portraits. It’s an arduous task to seek out that volume of reference, but it’s necessary for me. Along with searching the internet and books I’ll always take screen captures from DVD’s if it’s a movie character I’m sculpting.
From that point I just start carving into the wax. I have some simple loop tools, some basic dental spatulas, and some other metal tools that I heat over an alcohol torch and use for carving. As far as where I start within the face, it really varies. I just follow my gut while I study whatever reference I have. I just try to match what I’m seeing, really. I think it’s important to be extremely patient when it comes to portrait sculpting, though. There are usually about 2-3 points throughout the process where I feel like, “Oh, I’m getting close now!”, when in reality it’s quite off. You just have to be willing to stick it out and put in many many hours searching for the right features.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Most of Trevs stuff looks hand sculpted. He says he sometimes starts with a previously sculpted mold as a starting point which COULD have been a digital print but it doesn't specify. Either way, it sounds like he sculpts the likeness by hand and not by zbrush.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

To be honest I don't understand the whole digital sculpt = not as good debate. Martin Canale uses digital sculpts and his work speaks for itself.

As for Trevor Grove sculpting digitally I don't believe it. He doesn't have a single digital sculpt on his site. If you go through his site and read his sculpting process it seems quite clear to me that he sculpts all of his work by hand.

Here are some Gore Group digital sculpts. Martin used to sculpt everything by hand but he seems to have made the transition to digital.


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Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Couldn't care less who the sculptor is, what matters is the end product and that they go as far away from Ross as posible.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

So VS is Trevor Grove in the upper echelon now that you know he doesn't sculpt digitally? And is Martin Canale in a lower class because he switched to digital sculpting?
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

I don't see a difference between digital Sculpting and doing a prelim. It wastes less material when you finally sculpt by letting you make all your mistakes without any worry about ramifications on parts you do like. It gives you an exact model for what you're trying to do. And you can gain approval on a sculpt or make necessary changes without wanting to flip your desk over onto your client.

Either way you're going to have to do it by hand when you go to make the final product.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

I don't see a difference between digital Sculpting and doing a prelim. It wastes less material when you finally sculpt by letting you make all your mistakes without any worry about ramifications on parts you do like. It gives you an exact model for what you're trying to do. And you can gain approval on a sculpt or make necessary changes without wanting to flip your desk over onto your client.

Either way you're going to have to do it by hand when you go to make the final product.

Digital sculptors can be just as good. It's just nice to see someone who can do it old school because it's so much more difficult. There's no right or wrong way as long as the result is good. As an artist, it's just nice to see someone who had a solid traditional background.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Digital sculptors can be just as good. It's just nice to see someone who can do it old school because it's so much more difficult. There's no right or wrong way as long as the result is good. As an artist, it's just nice to see someone who had a solid traditional background.

Considering the fact that you need to sculpt it out anyway, someone who doesn't have a solid base in traditional sculpting would just be kidding themselves.