Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012
lol like south park WW
Here's the only Wonder Woman statue that Nam would buy:
lol like south park WW

Here's the only Wonder Woman statue that Nam would buy:
Here's the only Wonder Woman statue that Nam would buy:
Greg Horn is a talented artist, but I've always thought the women he draws/paints have exactly the same body. His WW:
is too skinny and not muscular enough. AH! draws the perfect WW, muscular, but not over the top.
Weren't some people in here arguing whether Wonder Woman was with Superman or Batman?
New issue cover:
Greg Horn is a talented artist, but I've always thought the women he draws/paints have exactly the same body. His WW:
is too skinny and not muscular enough. AH! draws the perfect WW, muscular, but not over the top.
Weren't some people in here arguing whether Wonder Woman was with Superman or Batman?
New issue cover:
Weren't some people in here arguing whether Wonder Woman was with Superman or Batman?
New issue cover:
All the women love Batman. Let Clark have this one.
Weren't some people in here arguing whether Wonder Woman was with Superman or Batman?
New issue cover:
Weren't some people in here arguing whether Wonder Woman was with Superman or Batman?
New issue cover:
Yet another reason not to read the New 52.
Until the New52 Clark was Married, so unless he's two-timing Lois, no, Wonder Woman can go with Bruce.
Why, because she doesn't hook up with Batman?
I know I no one has read the comic yet but, Josh, I'm calling victory for the Superman side. I'm spiking the football.
Weren't some people in here arguing whether Wonder Woman was with Superman or Batman?
New issue cover:
Why, because she doesn't hook up with Batman?
I know that no one has read the comic yet but, Josh, I'm calling victory for the Superman side. I'm spiking the football.
No, because I honestly liked the History of the DCU. Superman hooking up with Wonder Woman doesn't appeal to me but It's not a reason to hate on the new DC comics, however them basically canceling out whatever rich history they had between the characters kinda of annoys me.
They were doing such a good job of using the older stuff in new ways up until after Blackest Night...and then they kinda gave up and relaunched.
And I'll always have this little moment
Don't tempt me with John Byrne! I can't help but love it.
When it comes to DC's rich history nothing can erase that. We as fans decide what we recognize as cannon. If DC wants to start a New 52 that's up to them but I decide if I buy it and I decide if I like it. And, most importantly, I decide if this is the continuity I want to go with. They can't take that away from me.
Here's the only Wonder Woman statue that Nam would buy:
Weren't some people in here arguing whether Wonder Woman was with Superman or Batman?
New issue cover:
It's still weird to me to see Jim Lee drawing DC characters.