Premium Format Wonder Woman Premium Format

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Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

:exactly: :pray: please SS don't screw up on this one, it's ok to screw up on vision, green lantern, but please not on WW.

On the other hand, like GL, the DCD Museum Quality WW was pretty good once you took off the cape.

On the other other hand, the pose of WW in the DCD piece is a bit more dynamic and won't fit too well with the SSC standing around poses of Superman and Batman.

One the other other other hand, the DCD WW has a pose that does fit with the SSC GL. So, pose the DCD WW with the SSC GL and pose the DCD GL with the SSC BM and SM. OK?
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012


Yes, yes, yes. It's often stated that every DCD piece is *****, but that's just plain wrong.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

The DCD Wonder Woman PF was sculpted by Andy B. I was never a fan of it to be honest although the raw sculpt looked quite well. There was a fierce battle portrait that was never produced. Shame really. I hope they give the gig to a proven sculptor of fine females.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

You mean you've never read his comic book run Marvel did years ago? The guy is a classic.

Did he ever have a comic? Hmmm..... Not sure if your pulling my leg or not?......
He got so popular by screaming at ladies' bottoms.

I saw this in his music video....:lol weird can I do this in the mall and will the girls come to me?
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

I am surprised that since the want to PO this by the end of the year we haven't gotten so much as a sniff of what this is going to look like.