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Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

::laffs:: But then what would there be for the female members of our studio audience, piccolo? If yer gonna have cheesecake, ya gotta have beefcake. It's just the ying and yang of the world!

Ed can handle both. His Superman is not a bad looking lad.

Because he draws better ****s than Benes. He can draw more than one face as well.

Can't we have both? A Hughes, a Benes, a Dodson and maybe a Connor? I'm game. How about if ARH Studios made some statues of our favorite heroines with optional tops? Christmas would come early that year.:wink1:
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

my Favorite Zatanna Pin-Up by Ed..looks a little like his Fairchild Face but still nice.


Looks a little like his [insert any other female character] face.

Fixed it for you. :monkey1

Benes to me is like the Bishoujo line of comics - very nice female figures, but I can't help seeing them all as clones with no personality.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

AH has more versatile faces for his women, and he is fairly good at keeping his stuff on model once he gets a good one selected. However, he is for he most part a cover and pinup artist who makes a great deal of his money off commissions. In otherwards he has the TIME to spend on one individual face to make sure it is distinct. I would be surprised if he has done 30 full comics in the last 10 years. In fact other then a run on Gen13 I can't remember his last interior pages.

Guys like Benes are gerniemen pencilers. They often get paid for their work on a page by page, cover by cover basis. Then they suppliment that income with commissions, and they MIGHT make more on a commission then they did on three pages of an issue depending on the content and the collector. So SPEED is they key for them. The faster they finish one job the sooner they can get another. Benes is one of the best newish talents the industry has and he does badass characters; both men and women. His run on the Justice League was epic, and I would take him over Lee on that any day. However, speed being and issues means you have to develop short hand to finish a job, and that means that in occasion we get a little less facial variation. It is a good thing he draws awesome ladies
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Can't we have both? A Hughes, a Benes, a Dodson and maybe a Connor? I'm game.

In the end, my real preference would be for a Starfire as close to this as possible.

AH has more versatile faces for his women, and he is fairly good at keeping his stuff on model once he gets a good one selected. However, he is for he most part a cover and pinup artist who makes a great deal of his money off commissions.

But most of the Benes stuff that's been posted is commission work.

I'm not knocking the man's work by any means. I've been a fan since Birds of Prey.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

But most of the Benes stuff that's been posted is commission work.

I'm not knocking the man's work by any means. I've been a fan since Birds of Prey.

Yeah,'but even his commission work is sandwiched in between page work so they are rushed comparitively. A buddy of mine is a Pro, and he could knock out a Zatanna like that in a few hours and get paid $200+. Benes could do it and make $400-$600, and that is after spending the day drawing a full page.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

And Hughes?

Hughes' work is amazing, but he doesn't do interior work anymore, And most artists will tell you the real time consuming work is in the dynamics and layout of a sequential page. So what Hughes gets which many artists don't is more time to focus on the development of things like heads and faces with individual personalities and characteristics. That is why his work is so stellar in that regard. He only does 2-3 commissions per 2-3 day long Con. Where as someone like Alvin Lee, Dale Keown, or even Benes can bang out far more then Hughes. However, those guys tend to just use their everyday shortcuts/shorthand/style for those pieces. Whereas Hughes brings more uniqueness to his pieces.
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

From my DC Comics Encyclopedia.
First Appearence: DC Comics Presents #26 Oct.1980
Real Name:Koriand'r
Occupation:Exiled Queen: Teen Titan
Weight:158 lbs
Special Powers:Natural ability to Fly.Absorb solar energy.She can emit light,and turn that light into destructive force beams.Her energy bolts have considerable destructive and concussive capabilities.

The very short version:She was a Tamaran Princess.Her name is Koriand'r.She was the second of three children.Her older sister Komand'r could not Fly and therefor was deemed not worthy to become Queen.
Komand'r was very jealous of her younger sister and angry with her Father.Both sisters were sent to train with the Warlords of Okaara to become strong warriors.Because of her increasing jealousy Kormand'r ran off allying herself with the Citadel.Betraying her Planet and giving the Citadel vital information to successfully invade her homeworld.

To save his Daughter The King turned Koriand'r over to the Citadel to ensure peace.She endured 6 years of torture until she and her sister were both released for experimentation by the Psions.
Both sisters escaped the Psions.Koriand'r finding her way to earth with the help of the Teen Titans.She chose to remain with the Team taking the name Starfire.She learned to speak English through one passionate kiss with Robin.Her Sister Komand'r was never heard from again.

After her Planet Tamaran along with her parents and most of her people were destroyed by the Sun Eater.Starfire recognized Earth as her true home.She made her residence on the Amazonian Island of Themyscira traveling to Titans Tower in San Francisco whenever Needed.

Just realized I have the First Edition and it was printed in Slovakia

Wow thanks so much bro, this character been around since the 80s great! I hope they make her along with a PF cheetah! :clap
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012


this (as a 1/4 PF) would be an instant purchase for me
Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Man oh man, Marvin!!! That WW is nice, but that Starfire is totally sick, dude!!!!! I love the fluidity in her movement!!! Now THAT my friends, would make a great statue or PF figure!!!!

Yeah' the first WW I originally posted by Erik is real nice.It would make a nice PF.Someone else used it after I posted it so it's making the rounds.And I agree his Starfire is Smooth.

here is another WW by Erik

Re: Wonder Woman for late 2012

Yeah' the first WW I originally posted by Erik is real nice.It would make a nice PF.Someone else used it after I posted it so it's making the rounds.And I agree his Starfire is Smooth.

here is another WW by Erik


Wow! This is a nice WW piece, too. I'd love to see this in statue form simply due to the dynamics of the pose!!!