Super Freak
medical leeches and maggots. nothing new.
Teemu's never ending videos of propaganda from other theorists. That's the problem with conspiracy theorists. They only believe other theorists and label eveyone else a sheep. This is how they bow out of arguements as well. "Believe whatever you want ......insert insult.....".
Oh, for crying out loud ...
Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth; radiation and chemotherapy kill cells, you do the math. Granted, it's not the most elegant solution, but the thousands upon thousands of cancer survivors are happy they exist.
And if Radiation is so good for you,Why were the people in Japan (from the Tsunami hit) protecting themselves from it??
FACT- Cancer cannot live or grow in an Akaline body state which is derived from RAW fruits,Vegetables,Nuts and RAW honey among other sources.
If you consume the bad Acid (such as Soda,Beer,junk food,and many acidic type foods) you become more prone to getting Cancer/Diabetes and many other disease because the body lacks the nutrition it needs which you do not get in those type of foods.
And if Radiation is so good for you,Why were the people in Japan (from the Tsunami hit) protecting themselves from it??
Radiation actually kills the Immune system which is what is needed to Heal the body...Chemo is just flat out poison which again kills the Immune system,which is why Chemo patients are so weak,lose their hair, and barely survive the treatment.But hey,Mainstream teaches that its all good,afterall,our modern day superheroes got their super powers from Radiation,so it must be good
Alkaline Diets and Cancer: Fact or Fiction?
Last reviewed by Faculty of Harvard Medical School on December 20, 2010
By Stephanie Vangsness, R.D., L.D.N.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital
Do Dieticians and Other Health Professionals Recommend Alkaline Diets?
Advocates of alkaline diets claim that they help you lose weight, increase your energy, and even reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. While their arguments sound persuasive, they ignore all the facts.
The body performs any number of intricate balancing acts daily. One of them is to make sure that the body's fluids, tissues and cells aren't too acidic or alkaline, but stay in a healthy pH range. If you recall high school chemistry, pH measures the concentration of hydrogen in a solution. The more hydrogen, the more acidic it is (low pH); the less hydrogen, the more alkaline it is (high pH).
Proponents of alkaline diets claim that when the body's pH is too acidic, your risk for many conditions, including cancer increases. They also claim that eating too much of certain foods–animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods–makes your body more acidic and that changing what you eat will change your pH.
We know that people whose diets are high in fat and low in fiber are at higher risk of certain types of cancer. But claiming that restricting certain foods and eating others will make your pH “alkaline enough” to prevent cancer is more fiction than fact. Here are answers to questions I frequently get about these diets.
Can You Make Your pH More Alkaline?
Your body has a complex system of checks and balances to keep its pH in a normal and healthy range: 7.35 to 7.45. When your pH shifts outside this range and becomes too acidic or too alkaline, your body automatically corrects itself to bring things back to normal by:
Increasing or decreasing respiration — When you breathe more rapidly, you blow out more carbon dioxide. This raises your pH so it becomes more alkaline and less acidic. Conversely, slowing down your breathing causes you to release less carbon dioxide, which lowers your pH making it more acidic and less alkaline.
"Mopping up" excess hydrogen ions — Neutralizing substances in the blood, such as bicarbonate and hemoglobin, mop up excess hydrogen ions and prevent pH from becoming too acidic.
Eliminating the excess — Your kidneys excrete excess acidic substances into urine to prevent pH from becoming too low. Conversely, if your pH starts to become too high or alkaline, the body uses similar tools in reverse to bring down the pH.
The bottom line: The body fights hard to keep your pH balanced. It's nearly impossible to achieve and maintain a high-alkaline pH for a prolonged period of time.
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Can an Alkaline pH "Kill" Cancer Cells?
First of all, there are no human studies supporting alkaline diets for the prevention or treatment of cancer. Test-tube studies, however, have shown that some cancer cells grow faster in an acidic solution. They've also shown that some chemotherapy drugs become more effective if the area around a tumor cell is altered to be more alkaline. However, we can't assume that what happens in a test-tube also happens in the human body. In fact, the opposite effect could occur and have dangerous consequences.
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Can Diet Change the pH Balance of the Body?
The body's pH levels may change slightly as a result of eating some foods, but will remain in the tightly held range of 7.35-7.45. For instance, some fruits and vegetables as well as dairy products may raise the pH of your urine, whereas meat products and cranberries may lower the pH of your urine. However, even if you eat large quantities of these foods, your blood pH will barely change and only for a short time.
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Are Urine and Saliva pH Test Strips a Good Way To Measure the Body's pH?
The only way to directly measure the body's pH is by testing your blood. Testing your urine only tells you the pH of your urine. Urine is naturally more acidic and has a lower pH (~ 6.0). Similarly, saliva test strips only measure the pH of your saliva, not the pH of your blood.
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Can an Alkaline Diet Be Harmful?
Alkaline diets promote the exclusion of many foods. Excluding an entire family of foods can result in some vitamin and mineral deficiencies. You may also miss out on some potential anti-cancer benefits. A list of foods often restricted on an alkaline diet is listed below, along with reasons why these foods shouldn't be eliminated.
Food Group
Benefits of the Food Group
Fats and Oils Provide essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are needed to make healthy cells, maintain immunity, and combat inflammation.
Dairy An excellent source of protein and vitamins, specifically vitamin D and calcium. Adequate vitamin D intake has been linked to increased survival from cancer.
Beans and Legumes Rich in phytonutrients, substances also found in colorful fruits, vegetables, which help lower cancer risk and boost the immune system. Beans and legumes are rich in fiber, which is good for gastrointestinal health and may help prevent colon cancer. Also a good source of vegetarian protein. Protein needs are higher in cancer patients, especially those receiving chemotherapy.
Fruits Contain phytonutrients, vitamins and fiber.
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Do Dietitians and Other Health Care Professionals Recommend Alkaline Diets?
No. Studies of alkaline diet are limited to animal and test tube trials. While research is currently in progress looking at the correlation between alkaline diets and bone health, there are unfortunately no major human studies in regards to alkaline diets and cancer at this time.
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Stephanie Vangsness, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., received her master’s degree in nutrition and health promotion from Simmons College, Boston. She is a senior clinical nutritionist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital.
More Aetna InteliHealth: Featuring Harvard Medical School's Consumer Health Information Articles
Anyone that thinks that a "cure" could be concealed, let alone would be, has a fundamental misunderstanding of how research is conducted. Most basic science research is done at universities through grants. Anyone wanting another grant is not going to withhold their research; they're going to publish.
Any interesting molecules may proceed to trials directly through pharma, but often are outsourced to contract research organizations, non-profit research groups, universites, etc. "Cures" are not found in test tubes or under a microscope, but through clinical trials of hundreds or thousands of patients participating at different hospitals.
A coverup would be a monumental undertaking!
P.S. With regards cancer, there is not, nor will their ever be, a single "cure". Cancer is not a single disease, but a group of diseases with common properties. But they have different cell types, growth rates, patterns of recurrence/spread, etc. Some therapies work on some cancers, some on others. It will always be this way. The future is cancer-as-chronic-disease with longer life and better quality of life, but not universal "cure".
Envy is dim.
The sheer volume of serious work being done would be impossible to conceal. Presumably, there are secret organizations keeping track of it all and those who find what they don't want to be known are removed from this world via ninjas.
Charllote Gerson is 90 years old,never gets sick and walks around like a 25 year old adult...why? because her diet consists of 80-90% RAW fruits and vegetables.
The very Fact that Radiation and Chemo is does poison kill cancer?
Fact- Cancer cannot live akaline body state...fruits and vegatables are high in an akaline,So keeping your akaline PHD is important to be cancer free..
I'm betting it's more because of her genetics.
Your stomach contains acid. This alkaline theory is not backed by any real scientific studies nor posted in actual medical journals from trusted sources.
Lets say this is true. Given the fact that the government wants to control Healthcare now, one would think they know about this theory. You could also say that they would try to change what people eat. Why should they pay medical expenses for all of us meat eating sheep right?
The fact is if the powers that be came to the masses and said "you MUST eat green raw veggies and tons of citrus and thats it" we would be having a different discussion. Then it would be something like "they are poisoning us by making us eat all of this alkaline stuff. acid is the way to go".
Spare me the follow up where you try to then create another conspiracy by saying the government won't because its a money thing. Or better yet it's to control the population and that's why they don't tell us this.
I'm betting it's more because of her genetics.
I find a slight lol in the fact this thread about if/or not cures for disease are being concealed, has turned to a discussion on the correct way to live your life cancer free and treatment of diseases.
For the record, I believe 100% there are or have been cures found along the way for some things that where deemed not as profitable as the treatment for them and concealed. I think it would be foolish to not believe that. Especially in the past decade with all the b.s. going on in corporate america and wallstreet.
There is a third payment option. In China there has been a tradition in which the patient only pays the doctor when he is well. When the patient is sick, he doesn't pay. If the patient is sick, the thinking is that the doctor hasn't been doing his job.
I had this discussion with a friend a few months ago. I've been ill the last few years and am still battling something I've still not even really had diagnosed ( it's why I'm awake right now at 4 am ). I've been given numerous types of medication from various doctors that have been barely effective and actually ended up creating more problems.
Now for the past 7 or 8 months I've taken no medication whatsoever and completely changed my diet, making sure every day I'm getting the perfect amount of calories , vitamins and all the important stuff as well as only strictly drinking water. I'm not eating my five a day , more like my fifteen a day.
One downfall is that with so much fresh food it's quite an expensive diet but that alone has worked better than anything else I've ever tried.
That said I'm still ill and I'm still not 100% sure what's going on and I'm still suffering from many of the the same symptoms, all I do know is that in my case medication that usually simply masks symptoms isn't the answer and if a cure was found for whatever it was that's wrong with me I'd honestly have a hard time imagining my doctors telling me about it.
My mum was diagnosed with parkinsons disease a few years ago and it's not nice to watch it progressively get worse. also She's only 47 so I find this topic regarding cures interesting, a cure for that would be a miracle for me and my family. I've already started looking into all the diets since I truly believe the food we eat can be just as effective if not more effective that medication.
I think a positive outlook is also important to achieve better health. I had a young family member who was fighting cancer which spread all over his body , he's the nicest guy you could meet , never smoked, doesn't really drink and has always had a positive outlook.
Throughout his treatment from what I saw he kept that positive attitude and then one day his doctor told him the cancer had disappeared.
Now he runs and swims for charity and is fit as a fiddle and expecting a baby, his story even got published in a newspaper.
Anyway there are a lot of things that can be fought off with diet and outlook and in my experience medication sometimes makes things worse and can mask the true problem until it's too late.
It reminds me of those heartburn advertisements with someone ready to eat a huge burger but worried it wont agree with them and then there friend pops in from the kitchen and says " don't worry I have some antacids in the cupboard , eat up ! ".
W are talking about overall body chemistry in terms of acid/alkaline, and NOT just in the stomach. Acidity reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, whereas a more alkaline chemistry makes it higher. Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for proving that when a cell is deprived of 60% of it's oxygen requirements, it becomes cancerous, in 1931.
There was a Nova program about epigenetics. They are affected by every experience a person has and what they put into their bodies. They determine what genetics are expressed and whether genes are turned on or off. Understanding that, the quality of a family's genetics is determined by the quality of the ancestor's quality of their lifestyle. The more unhealthy people's habits are, the more they damage their genetics, and the greater the chance of their descendants developing disease as a result generations later. You reap what you sow, or what your ancestors sow. It makes sense, doesn't it? If you don't eat healthy enough, the health of your body will be reduced.
Why wouldn't that also not affect your genetic code? It is part of the body after all.
Eventually, it is logical that one's health habits will take their toll. Genetics aren't magically protected by some non physical force. There are part of the body itself, and as such, to some degree, must be affected by everything you do to the body. Smoking, drinking and doing drugs, along with every other bad health habit causes bad genes.
Well, the fact that lifestyle habits are the main cause of cancer and that by peoples changing their lifestyle, they can heal themselves of cancer, and the fact that this understanding is ridiculed makes it relevant to the idea that a cure is being suppressed. The current cultural paradigm suppresses the notion that people can actually do anything to prevent or heal themselves of cancer, which is perpetuated by those few people in power who have the most influence over the government, mass media, and the school system, and so this proves an effort to suppress a cure.
This is done to protect the profits of those who own the drug companies that make the pesticides that cause cancer and that make the anti cancer drugs that are used to manage cancer once it is caused by said pesticides. This keeps the masses effectively enslaved to the rich and powerful, by working directly or indirectly for them, and they are persuaded to cooperate with this plan by being told over and over that way that is conventionally accepted and popular is the only right way.The few people control the spin that is put on information to maintain the cooperation of the masses in them keeping the rich and powerful rich and powerful. Before the printing press was invented, books were very expensive, so it was far easier to control what people know to keep them cooperative in working for the few. As a result, what information that was available had to be controlled, as well as thee perception that people had about that info. Now that the internet exists, the free flow of information is greater than ever, and so the main emphasis is on controlling the spin on information.
Revolutionary idea which could really help people and free them from the economic servitude of paying for what causes disease and then what manages the symptoms of disease? Just call it quackery and nonsense and label all of those people who share said info as crackpots, and most people will believe that what those people say is nonsense.
How people are conditioned and brainwashed in the public school system prepares them for this, by conditioning people only to memorize and obey, and never to think for themselves. People are taught to only respect authority in order to assure compliance with the program.Clearly, the rich and powerful have been extremely successful at this.. I believe in giving credit where credit is due. It's really phenomenal what those people have accomplished.