X-23 tonight!!!!!!

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I ordered the exclusive.:banana She looks great I wish I had a body like hers.
I ordered me an Ex also. I like the fact the the ES was set right off the bat too, I think SS should do that more often. The face doesn't btoher me too much, the eyes are maybe a bit too big, but that's about it. I don't really understand when people say the face is too cartooney, when I think of a Comiquette, I think comic drawings, and to me it seems to fit when the face is a bit animated I guess you could say. Maybe I'm just rambling. :lol

Also I still don't know a whole lot about the character, but I read up some on her, and I like her whole story and the fact that she's a clone of Wolverine, it all just sounds cool to me. Plus the fact that she's part of the X-Force now made me like her more too, if she was still a villain I probably wouldn't have ordered. I like my X-Men. :D

Price isn't too bad either, and I'm glad she's 3rd quarter. BTW is anyone elsle surprised that she's 19.5 inches tall? I'm happy about it, but I was just expecting her to be more in scale with the AH Comiquettes. So I guess this means she's 1/4 scale.
I think them putting the ES out immediately is something they should do a much more often. My only problem is with the exclusives. Belts and necklaces just don't excite me. A change out arm or head definitely. Why even bother with an exclusive in this case?
Yeah the Ex is sold out already, I didn't expect that at all. Guess she really is pretty popular with people, glad I got mine in. :D
Did you guys notice how quick this sold out compared to the Namor Comiquette which had a similar ES? It took about a week for Namor, which had a TBA ES, and now the X-23 is sold out in less than an hour??? I think Sideshow will finally see how valuable it MAY be to list the ES along with the PO.
If they had listed an ES of 1000 ahead of time, then flippers and non-flippers wouldn't even touch it...and probably would be sitting there for years :)
Well there it is. The importance of a proper ES. May all these pieces, ahem collectibles, maintain their value from now on. :lol :D

Damn straight. This will sell out, be only a few cancellations, and everyone can move on. I'm liking the lower ES lately. If you're too late to the game, you play catch up if you must. With this economy, sales are going to drop. No point in SS producing 500 extra figures with all the associated costs, transportation, storage, etc. if they don't sell out and just sit there.
It makes me wonder just how many are getting x23 just to cancel the ex in the near future, as so many have suggested earlier in the forum. My guess is at least 50 of those will cancel out.