X-23 tonight!!!!!!

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X-23 never did it for me. Ever since the inception of the character she struck me as just one more attempt on the part of Marvel to squeeze one more nickel out the popularity of Wolverine.
This one and Black Queen were the two I made sure I had money put aside for. I'm a big fan of Wolverine, so X-23 was pretty much a given. How can you not have the female version of him in your collection. :D

:rock thats how i feel about her...plus the way frank cho draws her is great
I got a processing e-mail too, ugh. I am keeping EX Black Queen, her sculpt is too sexy to cancel. X-23 on the other hand....time to cancel come friday.
Aside from the Wolvie cliches, she's actually a pretty cool character. All of the X-23 stuff I've read has been very well done IMO.

I never understood why it's so hard for most comic fans to accept newer characters. :huh

That said, I don't have her on order myself :lol Maybe someday I'll pick her up...
I just changed mine to a flexpay... just could not take it now. Not really in too much of a rush all things given.
Here's a few pics of X-23 from the Con, not my pics.

I still think she looks good and will be keeping my order but I know some are gonna condemn it, especially cause of the eyes. Here's the way I see it though......She's smiling to one side of her face, so that's why one eye appears smaller than the other. It may be a tad overdone but I don't think it really looks bad. Anyway here's the pics....



cant wait for this one to ship. here are a couple of pics i took from the Con





Love that smile she has going on
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