Is that... is that a BOOGER?
No. That's her septum you knuckle head.
im talking about that little dot ABOVE the septum near the nostril
You dont see it? something hanging from above. something tiny
Why is Mystique acting like she's leading the X-Men? It's like if RDJ had played Immortus then he'd wind up leading the Avengers. Not that I have anything against Mystique but it just isn't the character.
So I guess Mystique doesn't use her powers in this film? What would be the point? Cyclops should be leading not her.
Also how did you spot that issue with her Rose Byrne's nose? Did you freeze every single frame of the trailer?I don't think anyone would have spotted it just watching it.
So I guess Mystique doesn't use her powers in this film? What would be the point? Cyclops should be leading not her.
Also how did you spot that issue with her Rose Byrne's nose? Did you freeze every single frame of the trailer?I don't think anyone would have spotted it just watching it.
i saw it in the regular clip, a pink dot. i dont know, it just showed
i wasnt freezing every frame, i could just see her boggie