Apoc's whole schtick is survival of the fittest. Also, probably not all that new, but maybe a slightly different spin on the typical egomaniacal super villain. Maybe that was Ultron's motivation, but who can remember with all the **** going on in that movie??
But really, what can you do that we haven't already seen done? We've got greedy *******s/gangs/career criminals, genocidal nuts/wacky ideologues, the purely insane, emo revenge seekers, and corrupted good guys out the wazoo already. Unless you want a post-modern villain from the pages of the Invisibles or X-Statix or something. And I don't think producers or audiences would care much for that.
But really, what can you do that we haven't already seen done? We've got greedy *******s/gangs/career criminals, genocidal nuts/wacky ideologues, the purely insane, emo revenge seekers, and corrupted good guys out the wazoo already. Unless you want a post-modern villain from the pages of the Invisibles or X-Statix or something. And I don't think producers or audiences would care much for that.