X-Men: Apocalypse - May 27, 2016

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SW would have covered the floating island in a force field while Cap punched it out into space.

Yup, world would be like

I like how both the X-Men and BvS threads have people discussing the Marvel movies. I'm going to bring this topic over to the Ghostbusters thread as well. :lol
What the Russos need to direct next is a Deathstroke movie. Seriously, how is that not a thing yet?! Slade is Captain America & Big Boss all in one package. Deathstroke could be this generation's action icon if handled correctly. Look, I LOVE Deadpool, alright? I do, he's in my Top 10 characters ever. When written correctly, he's fascinating. But Deathstroke is just as good a character, and he deserves a movie, dammit! Get someone grizzled and tough who can act, and then let the Russos work their magic. The Wolfman vol is great, but I feel the new Priest one is gonna be even better. So, yeah, get on with it!
You think they exhausted their possibilities in what sense? In the comics alone there are dozens of directions they could go that they haven't really touched on yet. Not every villain is a world conquering megalomaniac. Morlocks/Mutant Massacre, Dark Phoenix in space with the Shi'ar Imperial Guard and Starjammers, Excalibur, Alpha Flight, Freedom Force, the Savage Land, Longshot and Mojo/X-Babies!, Genosha, X-Factor, the Brood, Proteus, Magneto leading the New Mutants, the Reavers, or something more conventional that we haven't seen in many comic movies yet--a basic villain/revenge team-up deal: Arcade, Black Tom, and Juggernaut for example.
I don't know some of the story arcs there, but I know most of them, and you require a comicbooky charm that the Singerverse does not have, they tried a small leap with Apoc and failed.

As a result, I'm tired of the Singerverse, their characters, the style, that's what I mean by exhausted their posibilites, sure there are more stories they can do, but I don't really have any interest in seeing them done in the Singerverse.
MORE Singer X-Men!!!!! I'll take him over just about any other comic movie guy out there at the moment, though I have to say that I think David Ayer could be an interesting X-Men director (despite the negative early criticism we're hearing about that one). Because he does "dark and gritty" extremely well.

Singer said in an interview that he's going off to do other things, so I suspect many of you will get your wish, though he'll probably still be involved creatively for the foreseeable future.

Russo's need to direct the next

Die Hard

That's a good call, would also be great if he could come back. Kingsman was one of the best comic movies I've seen in a long time, to be honest. But since I have zero connection to the source material, it didn't resonate much with me beyond just being a great, enjoyable film to see and move on from. Just like everyone else here, I have nostalgic baggage that drives my interest in these things. If not for that, I wouldn't pay that much attention to any given comic movie, I'm sure.
It's really sad seein' Vaughn's talent bein' wasted on mediocre films based on mediocre Millar's comix.
I don't know anything about the comics, but I know that is not a mediocre film! And Vaughn may be solely to blame for that, for all I know. I think Millar does tend to be over-rated. Particularly with Civil War, which was an average comic at best.
That's a good call, would also be great if he could come back. Kingsman was one of the best comic movies I've seen in a long time, to be honest. But since I have zero connection to the source material, it didn't resonate much with me beyond just being a great, enjoyable film to see and move on from. Just like everyone else here, I have nostalgic baggage that drives my interest in these things. If not for that, I wouldn't pay that much attention to any given comic movie, I'm sure.

Eh, you didn't miss much, really. The movie was 10^6 times better than the book.

I don't know anything about the comics, but I know that is not a mediocre film! And Vaughn may be solely to blame for that, for all I know. I think Millar does tend to be over-rated. Particularly with Civil War, which was an average comic at best.

Millar is hit or miss, really. He can write when he wants to, but he wastes his time with **** like Nemesis. I mean, Jesus, tha book was horrendous. The gay brother impregnating his sister with bomb-sperm? What the actual ****? I mean, I "enjoyed" it in the way you enjoy slashers, but come on...
His best work I'm aware of wasn't very original--taking over the Authority from Warren Ellis. So he seems to enjoy doing "subversive" types of stories, but lacks the originality of other, more impressive writers. And frankly in general his work just has never grabbed me, though admittedly I've been exposed to a pretty small sample size.
His best work I'm aware of wasn't very original--taking over the Authority from Warren Ellis. So he seems to enjoy doing "subversive" types of stories, but lacks the originality of other, more impressive writers. And frankly in general his work just has never grabbed me, though admittedly I've been exposed to a pretty small sample size.

It depends, for me at least. I LOVE Ultimates, and I really, really like Ultimate X-Men. Wanted was rather good as well. I also really enjoyed his Fantastic Four. But, yeah, he has faults, especially when he's free to do whatever he wants. Stuff like Nemesis shouldn't exist in that form, really. His Superior was really damn good though, so yes, he can be good, he just phones it in from time to time.
Millar isn't great, at all, but isn't bad either, he's consistently just ok.

Decently written stories, with not much going on below surface level and enough personality.
Millar isn't great, at all, but isn't bad either, he's consistently just ok.

Decently written stories, with not much going on below surface level and enough personality.

Great? It depends. Not Alan Moore great, not Morrison or Ellis great, but compared to your run of the mill writers, he does write some "great" stuff. His Ultimates is one of my favourite runs ever, truth be told. It had some problems, but it was a very good modernization, really.

You know, great, especially in comics, isn't that easy to define. The old guard will just say "Claremont's X-Men are the best, next to Gruenwald's Captain America, Simonson's Thor and that's it, dammit!", the 90s crowd will flock to Busiek's Avengers and Thunderbolts, the OG Hellblazer and Longbow Hunters, with the 2000s crowd going for Morrison's New X-Men and Brubaker's Cap, leaving the new generation to just piss on the super-hero genre and go for indies. Personally, I think lots of vols are great, but only a few are excellent.