Super Freak
I thought they looked like cheap cosplay. I see that they're like the comics, but I don't think it translated well. I think the First Class outfits were the best interpretation of the classic costumes. I'll even take the original biker outfits and the DOFP armor suits over these. At least those were more nondescript and weren't trying to mimic the comics. The big X might work on a printed page, but in a live action movie they just seem like a giant target on their chest. They should have hired some of the Marvel designers, who I think have managed to nail most if not all the costumes. Hell, even the WB Flash has a great comic to live action translation. However, I will say that the worst ones were the outfits at the end of Apocalypse. Those were truly truly horrible, so at least they're not as bad as that!
Maybe I'm being a bit harsh or skeptical about the movie itself. But I just didn't feel any connection to the characters or story, which is probably the fault of Apocalypse since it didn't give me enough of Jean to care about her or Scott. I guess that's what I think was missing from the trailer at least--they didn't really show why or how much Jean means to everyone, especially Scott. It just seems like this random character is turning evil. If I didn't know the story, hadn't read the comics, or even watched X Men 2 and 3, I wouldn't know how emotional her turn was, and how important her character is. And yes, it's also that the actress isn't really helping the character much either.
But I will definitely see it, most likely on Blu Ray. I'm willing to give it a chance and see what they do and how they adapt the story. I even watched Apocalypse with an open mind! The least I can do is give this the benefit of the doubt.
I've hated all the movie costumes except First Class, Psylocke, and the brown costume from The Wolverine deleted scene. The New X-Men costumes are not my favorite comic look by far, but at least it's a costume design straight from the comics so they get a pass.
And one positive thing that could be said about the costumes at the end of Apocalypse, the Jean Grey costume looked very similar to her 90's Uncanny X-Men costume. I kinda liked that one:

Hopefully that one will be shown again.
Yeah the story looks to be recycled from the other movies, but I'm willing to give this a chance from what I've sceen so far.