MCU Whore
Go watch the Star Wars and MCU ones. It takes awhile, but they're worth it.
I cannot bring myself to go out of my way to see this one. And I've seen every other X-Men movie released at the theaters. And I may end up liking it (I liked Apocalypse), but I'm still pretty pissed that the dumb-ass execs gave lame-ass Kinberg full control over this movie. What did they expect? I read one quick summary review on RT and they said it felt like a contractual obligation. At a distance, that's the way it also appears to me, similar to how Dark Knight Rises felt. I think without Singer, Vaughn, or Mangold, there was no strong creative drive. I even would have supported their taking a risk with an unproven guy who did well with, say, a small indie movie, or someone from TV (as the Russo Bros were). But Kinberg had nothing to suggest he could take on this responsibility on his own.
Time and again, some of these major studios with hundreds of millions of dollars to throw around just seem so clueless. I can't figure it out.
That was the first one for me damn that was funny.
Oh man the shape shifting aliens / CM line has me in tears.
So really, we have the Hunger Games to blame for all of this. Even though a million other actresses could have played that role, she got it and it made her a star. Now she's got clout.As with every problem with the X franchise after First Class, it's all J Law's fault:
As with every problem with the X franchise after First Class, it's all J Law's fault:
Hmm I don’t think so , first class , dofp , apocalypse we’re not going for grounded clearly
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The same Phoenix power she already used to defeat Apocalypse three years ago, lol.
Simon Kinberg's next flick will reportedly center around Bruce Banner getting blasted with gamma rays from a passing comet. I wonder what new abilities that will give him!
No more seeing Bruce Wayne’s parents killed.
That's so awesome that the MCU nailed IM's, Cap's, and Thor's origin stories right off the bat. No need to *ever* remake those films.
In a way it's too bad that we won't (nor should we) see MCU Spidey and Uncle Ben but Peter saying goodbye to Tony is a nice enough placeholder.
Ouch! So I guess rather than rise from the ashes, this Phoenix decided to just crash and burn.![]()