X-Men: Dark Phoenix

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Thank the maker Logan was his last and not that cringe inducing laughable Weapon X cameo wearing those silly lycra shorts in Apocalypse.

X1-3, XFC, DOFP, Logan is actually a pretty awesome sextet. Yes it has the crappy X3 in there but I do actually enjoy the climax of that one regardless and DOFP nicely retcons it anyway. Otherwise it also introduces Ellen Page's likable Kitty Pryde which has a nice payoff in DOFP as well.

I'm inclined to own those six and I have a feeling that binging them will make a hell of a strong and satisfying narrative. They really do have a lot to be proud of since fortunately their biggest disasters are easily excluded and can forever be ignored.
Yep you can always treat DOFP *or* Logan as the end at any given time depending on what tone you're in the mood for. Personally I like to think of DOFP as the "true" finale with Logan being the insanely awesome "What if" alternative.
Yep you can always treat DOFP *or* Logan as the end at any given time depending on what tone you're in the mood for. Personally I like to think of DOFP as the "true" finale with Logan being the insanely awesome "What if" alternative.

That's the way I look at it as well.
If anything needed a reboot, its Fantastic Four.... but while we're waiting, this could use a serious reboot too.

And I really can't take "Broadway" Jackman seriously most of the time. I'm sure there's a much better Wolverine out there. A much better everyone out there.
The FF are likely to get the reboot first. They were never as successful as the X-Men and their last movie was almost 4 years ago now. That plus not having any casting choices as widely beloved as Hugh Jackman or Patrick Stewart is gonna make a redo much easier on Marvel's end.
FF's big flaw is just the silly stretch guy. It's a power almost no one wants. And it looks silly.

Fire's cool, invisibility is cool... and The Thing is basically an orange Hulk. But stretch-Armstrong? Meh. Maybe they should update him to be more like the T-1000 rather than The Mask.

The best thing FF has going for it... Dr. Doom. Likely the most famous of all Marvel villains.
FF's big flaw is just the silly stretch guy. It's a power almost no one wants. And it looks silly.

Fire's cool, invisibility is cool... and The Thing is basically an orange Hulk. But stretch-Armstrong? Meh. Maybe they should update him to be more like the T-1000 rather than The Mask.

The best thing FF has going for it... Dr. Doom. Likely the most famous of all Marvel villains.

I'm a big fan of Stretch Armstrong and Mr. Fantastic. I love the classic blue costume with the white 4 logo. The movies haven't done justice to what Mr. Fantastic can do with his body or mind.
I'm a big fan of Stretch Armstrong and Mr. Fantastic. I love the classic blue costume with the white 4 logo. The movies haven't done justice to what Mr. Fantastic can do with his body or mind.

I used to read Fantastic Four comics on and off when I was a little kid. Those classic blue costumes have a huge amount of retro appeal for me. I don't remember much about Mr. Fantastic's capabilities anymore. He's mostly had cameo roles in any modern era comics I've happened to read.