$33 million opening, lol.
Needs some tp View attachment 456744
$33 million opening, lol.
That's worse than Godzilla, isn't it?
[...]There are obvious continuity problems,[...]
Thank the maker Logan was his last and not that cringe inducing laughable Weapon X cameo wearing those silly lycra shorts in Apocalypse.
Yep you can always treat DOFP *or* Logan as the end at any given time depending on what tone you're in the mood for. Personally I like to think of DOFP as the "true" finale with Logan being the insanely awesome "What if" alternative.
FF's big flaw is just the silly stretch guy. It's a power almost no one wants. And it looks silly.
Fire's cool, invisibility is cool... and The Thing is basically an orange Hulk. But stretch-Armstrong? Meh. Maybe they should update him to be more like the T-1000 rather than The Mask.
The best thing FF has going for it... Dr. Doom. Likely the most famous of all Marvel villains.
I'm a big fan of Stretch Armstrong and Mr. Fantastic. I love the classic blue costume with the white 4 logo. The movies haven't done justice to what Mr. Fantastic can do with his body or mind.