It's very, very similar to X2 in terms of the common threat facing the mutants, and ultimately, none of the previous X-Men movies mattered. None. Singer takes the stuff he liked in X3 and applies it to the canon (Jean Grey), ignores other stuff (Xavier's X3 annihilation), totally ignores both Wolverine movies, and then effectively says "you need never watch any of those movies ever again!" including X1 and X2, which was very, very disappointing.
Excellent thriller of a movie though. Tense and full of peril, hard to predict (even if it is often a pastiche of the other X movies) and the time travel stuff is great fun. Jackman really sells it, and Quicksilver is possibly the best thing in it, even though his part is so... small (and frankly, Smallville). You have every reason to be excited about seeing this one.
- Is it better than X2?
- Is it serious or camp?
- Is the violence believable or sanitized?
- What is the screen time ratio between the old cast and the new cast?
- Is the ending satisfying?
- On a par with X2.
- Serious, very serious. Most amount of peril I've seen in a comic book movie since TDK (which feels somewhat ironic, once you reach the end)
- Believable. Way more than the Marvel movies.
- 75% new cast.
- Yes. And no. Satisfying within the confines of the movie. Not so much in terms of what went before.