What was the point in
That's weird.
having Stryker be Mystique at the end? Do they want to suggest that SHE spearheaded the Weapon X program?
To me, the final scene (pre-credits) in the Xavier Institute definitely felt that way. And it was a nice coda for the film, and for that general group of actors. I don't really want to see Stewart, McKellen, Berre, Famke, etc. again. The torch feels like it has officially been passed, and I for one would like to see the films focus on the First Class crew + Jackman for the time being. I also hope they don't do another time travel angle, and as such, hope we never see Cable in the primary X-films. Sticking him in the Deadpool movie would be fine, but I hope they keep those franchises at arms length from one another.Kinberg says Days of Future Past was intended as a "final goodbye" for the original cast.
It felt surreal to me to see the whole original team from X1 all alive and well. I wouldn't be upset if they never brought them back since it felt like closure for those characters.
Wonder where Magneto was at that point, probably in-jailed.
Would liked to have seen Alan Cumming's Nightcrawler show up at the end as well. Other then him missing, I thought the ending was perfect.
I prefer the older cast stay retired, or make cameos here and there.
I agree with Kara, I don't want to see anymore time travel, at least not for another 14 years. They should continue on now with the younger cast, they can pretty much tell any story they want.
Sovereign leader of Genosha?![]()
Or replaced completely. Except for Jackman.
Yes, a real Team-X![]()
So, what am I missing here.
How was Trask's assassination the catalyst for mutant extinction when Congress was not even a fan of his.
Hell, he was killed while courting the communist, people we fought in Vietnam, our enemies!
If anything, he was a traitor, no?
His death would've been viewed as a good thing, no?
Mystique would've been viewed as a hero of the USA, not an enemy.
Last edited by jye4ever; Yesterday at 10:20 PM.