Super Freak
That's cool. though people were asking where all the Merchandise was ( specificly official posters) My comment wwas directed at that.
Seriously? Come on. This again?
I don't know where you heard that or read it. However you came across the information, it's wrong.
You are right about the rights staying at Fox as long as they keep making movies though, but not about the merchandise.
Think about what you're saying. What studio would even make a deal like that? Especially back in the 90's when EVERY movie had merchandise. Hell, even Kevin Costner's Robin Hood got figures made.
And why?
Batman '89. BM89 made 400 million at the box office yes, but made 750 million in merchandise. So do you think Fox or any other studio would give up the merchandising rights? No, they wouldn't and they didn't (and still wouldn't).
You're confusing the deal Disney has with Sony.
Those rights reverted back to Disney in 2011. Disney got to take control over the merchandising rights, and in return gave up their cut from the films.
That's it. That's all there was to it. Fox NEVER made that deal, and if they did, it would have been AFTER the merger, so it would have been reported somewhere, and if it is, tell me where to find it.
Just so you know, I'm not trying to be a jerk to you. It's just that this, "information" or BS or what ever you want to call it has been talked about in THREE different threads now, and it all comes down to some people (or one) that are upset that they're not getting XMen toys, and evidently think that by making up ,"facts", or trashing Disney, that's somehow going to make their dream a reality.
Let me ask you this: if Disney owns the film merchandising rights to Spider-Man AND the XMen, why is Disney only licensing Spidey? Disney isn't, "making" any of the merchandise, they're cashing checks from people that ARE making it. So if Disney's SO GREEDY, why would they turn down money for not doing anything, for any reason?
The answer is, they wouldn't. If Disney had the rights, you would see a ton of XMen crap.
So please, enough of this already. Disney isn't crying about not having the film rights to Spidey, XMen or the Fantastic Four. On the contrary, by Fox and Sony having the rights to those charactors, they're SAVING Disney about 900 million dollars in production and marketing costs for movies that they're not interested in making at this time anyway.
I mean, what's next? Are people going to start saying the reason AMS2 and DoFP didn't make a billion at the box office is because Disney is somehow, "manipulating" the results?
You know what? Forget I said that, I don't want to give anyone ideas.
Listen to yourself. "Fox would NEVER make a deal without acquiring merchandising rights. If Disney owned the merchandising you'd see a TON of X-Men merchandise." Okay so Disney would make toys and sell them and make money but Fox...simply doesn't want to? They want NO profits from merchandise? Because of Batman and Robin Hood and a million other movies they will *unquestionably* insist on merchandising rights just so they can...not release merchandise? Yeah that makes sense.
The fact is you don't know who owns what, all we do know is that we have a massive movie that Fox made that is not their IP and we have no toys, books, anything to go with it. There's only two possibilities here: A company either controls the merchandise for their own movie and doesn't want to make themselves potentially hundreds more millions OR another company controls the merchandise (or has some say in it) and doesn't want their rival to make money. Both scenarios are highly unusual but they are the only two options and a company hamstringing profits of a rival as opposed to themselves makes much more sense to me.
If you think Fox looked at Batman's 750 million in merchandise and said, "yeah we don't want that, any of it, we just want the rights," then eh, more power to you. But I find that notion to be quite silly.![]()
I am listening to myself.
Fox made this deal with Marvel back in the 90's. Not yesterday. Back in the 90's EVERY movie had action figures and tons of other stuff.
Yep and guess what. In 2014 every superhero movie STILL has action figures. Except X-Men. So everyone else wants to make money (even if it's less than the glory days of the 90's) except for Fox.
I believe Feige has already gone on record saying that Marvel owns Spider-Man movie merchandise and that they are happy to rake in the dough. So there's your precedent right there for a studio getting to make movies about Marvel characters but Marvel/Disney still controlling the toys and books. Who knows why they're reluctant to get X-Men figures out there. Maybe they split the profits with Fox and it's worth it for them to sign off on 100% of profits for Spidey toys but not 50% of X-Men. Or maybe they want only one movie "team" on the shelves and are doing whatever they can to make sure that this year it's GotG.
Or maybe it is personal. Who knows. What it comes down to is you believe that Fox doesn't want to make money for themselves and I believe that Disney/Marvel doesn't want their rival to make money. Now if someone from Fox goes on record and says, "yeah we own the merchandising 100% but we're not right in the head and don't want to make extra money" then I'll concede that they are indeed buffoons and that you were right all along.![]()
No... but disney/marvel WILL have some input into figure designes that need to be approved. all they would need to do is not approve anything that hasbro submits.
Honestly, I'm pretty sure Fox will be putting effort into merchandising hence forward... DoFP was a massive risk, MANY franchise fans expected it to bomb, me included. And it's gonna outgross thor, rival cap2 and become the best x-men film yet financially. That was hardly an easy call. Think that played into it. Kinda sucky to invest in tons of merch when your film would've been the nail in the coffin of your franchise. Seeing as ASM2 doens't have this merch problem it seems to me Fox wasn't confident enough in the film to merchandise it except for commercial purposes, like x-treme cream twinkies. (Which obviously worked very well.)
Then again, I immediately believe dismarv wants to screw any rival as much as they can in any god damn way possible, if they can do it via merch, I fully expect they WILL and ARE doing so.
They even screw their own artists for box office purposes, as the Edgar Wright debacle just showed us. I'm not sure where Feige is in that, he seems to walk the line between exec and sincere property fan. But word is he got screwed along with Wright as well by "higher ups". So yeah, the "higher ups" at disney are relentlessly greedy.
And Is this movie massive? Is this film burning up the BO? Not really. Neither did XM:FC. DoFP is a sequel to that. There was no merchandise for that movie either. Did anyone really notice, or even complain?