I think it was just as easy for Charles to get inside her head and have that nice conversation. I don't see how QS would have helped much.
With Magneto and the Sentinel, I think since he can pretty much feel where everything is it wouldn't be all that hard to take over the Sentinel and know where to put everything without actually being able to see it.
After watching the movie yesterday, Singer definitely could have done more with the action, I would like to have seen Colossus do more than get beat up and tossed around every in ever scene he was in, Wolverine fighting the Sentinels in the opening of the film would have been great too, I think they killed off Bishop and Storm way too early, would have liked to see them use more of their powers and putting up more of a fight, and I would have preferred Bobby fighting outside holding the Sentinels off instead of just watching Wolverine sleep. Like Kara said, it probably wouldn't have made the story any better but it would have made the movie even more entertaining.