That BODY double actress is known for her appearances in other films. Is it it speculation, sure, but I BET it is.
All right, that's all I was trying to determine, whether or not this was an educated guess or was it revealed in some documentary or interview somewhere that it was point blank a double/stuntwoman/CGI whatever. I know doubles are often used (especially if this was a pickup shot as you say) but I also know that actors can make dramatic transformations (which Hathaway has already proven she is capable of) and that certain wardrobe accessories can be just as dramatic as well. Sounds like it could go either way without any emphatic determination one way or the other.
I'm not sure why Snadinator keeps carrying on about my notion that Singer is likely the primary reason for X:FC not being as good as it could have been when I never actually responded to someone's question with "yup, it's official" as some of you originally did regarding the Catwoman scene.
And what's funny is that I was perfectly fine carrying on about X:FC and X2 until Nam had to obsessively make TDKR the center of every thread he posts in.

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