X-Men: First Class

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Okay. I'm not the biggest X-Men know it all but I do follow it and enjoy it very much. Can somebody please point out what all mutants we saw in the trailer just released. I know these of course. Professor X, Magneto, Mystique, Beast, Emma Frost. Who else?

Off the top of my head:

Sebastian Shaw
Angel Salvadore

edit: Darwin's apparently in this. Google said so! LOL!:lecture
I wonder if X-Men First Class will be the surprise dark horse in the superhero movie pack this year. It's strange to go into a year in which my expectations for every superhero film is at average to low.

This is the order, for me, I think they will finish in. I don't have a bias towards a character or team either because if I did my #1 would be last. I'm not the biggest THOR fan around, that's for sure. :lol

2) X-Men First Class
3) Green Lantern
4) Captain America

Just having some fun and calling my shot. I think I covered them all, right? Great time to be a comic fan though! How many years in the past can we say we've had this many films coming!?

I think the movie could be a good one as long as they make Charles Xavier and Magneto the central characters and their friendship and then conflict the main plot. If they do that and make all the other characters revolve around that plot, it might work. The thing that will kill it for me will be too many sub-plots of the other Mutants.

:exactly: :goodpost:

X-men Last Stand was all over for me and had too much going on in it. I have to say I was glad to hear Singer was back for this one even though I don't love everything he's done. The first 2 movies he did were pretty good though, with X2 being the gem of the bunch for me.

Again, I'm not completely into the "X" cast they chose here but I'm just going to approach it with an open mind.
i dunno the trailer really didn't catch me i dunno maybe they didn't saw much i enjoyed the cap trailer a lit more
The trailer has taken me from completely uninterested to somewhat interested. I think this looks better than Green Lantern, but Captain America is the one I am most excited about at this point.
Nah, GL looks like an Oscar winner compaired to this. This just has so much going against it and the trailer looked fan made. I mrean really. Before he was... he was... Really? That has got to be the worst couple of lines I've ever seen in a trailer.
Agreed, the trailer has me interested but GL looks like a blockbuster while this does have that fan film feel to it. I'm still interested enough to see it but wouldn't totempole it any higher than any of the other comic book films this year, it's definitely on the lower rung.
Really liked the trailer, seems like this will taste alot better than X-Men did.
i'm guessing that Angel is either a hooker or stripper at the hellfire club and Xavier and Magneto go to recruit her.
From the look of Azazel, he'd be too old to im-pregnate the teenage looking Mystique, i'm guessing nightcrawler wont be aluded too.

They really shouldnt have showed the X-Men clips, that just makes it seem like it has to constrain its storytelling to match that, PLUS why would Magneto go from such a badass helmet in this film to the cheesier one in X-Men


Dunno how old she is but Mystique is so Effing hot
The Furry Beast looks a hell of alot better than Fraser Crane
Magnetos Helmet RULES (i'm so hoping for a replica)
Costumes look better than the leather ones
Surprisingly violent and dark, particularily Magneto and all the knives


Kevin Bacon looks nothing like Sebastian Shaw
Havok will suck
Emma Frost will just be there for eye-candy
Looks like a romantic sub-plot between Mystique and Hank
I hope its light on politics.

  1. X-Men FC
  2. Captain America
  3. Green Lantern
  4. Thor (they wouldnt wear rubber amour in asgard)
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Found an interview Singer did with LA Times that came out today about First Class.

I'm not sure what to make of his comments about the Havok/Cyclops relationship (I am guessing he will end up being Scott's father since they are taking "liberties" with chartacters) but at least it sounds like they are trying to get some of the continuity timing to make sense.

The trailer for "X-Men: First Class" landed today and immediately tilted the landscape of this summer's slate of superhero films -- if this smart, sleek and sinister trailer is representative of Matthew Vaughn's retro-mutant film as a whole, then it's suddenly unwise to view "First Class" as a second-class citizen compared with the two big Marvel Studios releases, "Captain America: The First Avenger" and "Thor."

The makers of the Fox film, however, say they never viewed the summer season as a competition against the Marvel films or Warner Bros.' "Green Lantern."

"You can never think about that," producer Bryan Singer said. "That's just something you can torture yourself with or stress out about, but you can't do that and sit there and think, 'What are they doing? We need to do that.' That's the worst thing you can do. You have to make your own movie. It needs to exist in its own universe in terms of perception. Your goal is to make a cool movie. You need to stay focused on that goal."

Singer directed the first two "X-Men" films, which became landmarks in this new age of superhero cinema. After his departure, the follow-up films were less acclaimed, but their commercial success exceeded or matched the Singer releases. This new teaming of Singer, as a producer, with firebrand filmmaker Vaughn looked great on paper, and now, with the trailer, it's looking pretty good onscreen. Time will tell -- trailers can be quite deceiving -- but Singer sounded as enthused as a fan himself during a recent interview.

Asked about the new lineup -- or the "old" lineup, given the film's 1960s setting -- Singer got specific about his favorites. "We have younger versions of Mystique and Beast, so I'm very excited about them and what they bring to the film. Jennifer Lawrence's work [as Mystique] and Nicholas Hoult's portrayal of Beast -- these are characters that we've seen in the earlier films, but then these are very different portrayals and you have to bring a lot of attention to those."

"I'm also excited about Jason Flemyng as Azazel, which is a really cool character. It's like this sinister alter ego of Nightcrawler in a way, which again brings some of the things that we like about that character but at the same time has a different quality. And I really, really like [Lucas Till as] Havok, who we're bringing in [to the continuity] at a sort of a different time, relative to the comic book lore. It's an extremely cool character. What's great, too, about all of these characters is that they haven't honed their abilities yet. Havok is a danger to himself and everyone around him. That's where this movie is at -- the recruiting of these mutants and bringing them together."

I asked Singer about the specific relation between Havok and Cyclops -- in the comics they are Alex and Scott Summers, respectively, brothers who possess raging, hard-to-manage energies within their bodies, but the decades at play now in the X-Men installments take that sibling connection off the table, story-wise.

"Yes, the timeline is different," Singer said. "It wouldn't physically fit for him to be the brother of Cyclops. We take some liberties on that. There are notions, but, um, I don't want to give away certain interrelations, but let's just say there are some things that do adhere to the comic books and do so in a way the fans will get a kick out of. And those things can, perhaps, move forward into the future.... That's one reason we wanted to call the film 'First Class' even though it isn't the [Jeff Parker-penned story arc called] 'First Class' in the comics as fans know it. You couldn't really tell that story without going even earlier and explaining how they got there and how it came to be. I liked the title, so we kept it, but this is a prelude in a way that will eventually lead to the [scenarios] that fit in more clearly with the 'First Class' comics and situations."
I got a "too much CGI" vibe from the Green Lantern trailer with all of those aliens and virtual landscapes--and that shot of him standing there in the apartment showing off his super-body to his buddy just had an awkward feel to it.

I think that the time period they've chosen for First Class is interesting, and McAvoy & Fassbender are actually good actors who can hopefully bring at least a certain level of gravity to the film instead of making it feel like one big joke, which can kill a "comic book" movie. The characters need to be taking things somewhat seriously within the world of the film, and the actors and director need to trust that the audience will go along with it and still have a good time without the hero winking and grinning the whole time. I think that the first two X-Men films had a good balanced tone (between too serious and too cartoony), and this one seems like it will fit in with those.
I think the period is an interesting choice. But I just don't feel it links up with the first three X-Men films. I mean X-men one took place in the 'not so distant future' in 1999. So that is 2000 at the earliest. And this is in the 60's, so everyone would have to be a good 40+ years older in X-men one. Prof X and Magneto are about right, but Mystique and Beast? Not even close. And then there is the whole Emma Frost issue being much younger in Woverine Origins. Which created the Sabertooth issue there.

These prequels have done nothing but tear apart any continuity between all of the films. They really just needed to reboot the series with these prequels. There are just too many continuity errors and plot holes. I mean where were Wolverine's bullet holes in his skull in the X-men 1 X-ray? Surely a couple of doctors could have spotted those?

And I'm sure the upcoming The Wolverine will only futher muddle the continuity. Is it too much to ask for freaking continuity in series? They haven't even bothered to 'Old Ben' the situation from a certain point of view.
I was pleasantly surprised by this trailer. I didn't really have interest in this film before, but now I definitely do!
It just looked awesome! Especially Magneto!

Definitely looking forward to seeing this! :rock :rock :rock
I'm going to give this movie a chance...I had no interest in seeing this movie at first but the trailer has made me want to check it out now.

If nothing else I'll get a bag of popcorn out of watching the movie! :lol
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Yes indeed when the spidey 3 trailer came out i was overwhelmed by awesomeness and couldnt stop watching it .. then i saw the movie and then....
I wouldn't be shocked if they changed Havok to being Cyclops' father instead of his brother. Realistically you'd have to institute Corsair and that angle to adhere to the comic continuity and that would take a film onto itself to make sense, maybe even two. Honestly they are intending this to connect to the original trilogy and it feels like Singer is ignoring Origins in his manner and almost treating this as the next part of the series after X3.
I got a "too much CGI" vibe from the Green Lantern trailer with all of those aliens and virtual landscapes--and that shot of him standing there in the apartment showing off his super-body to his buddy just had an awkward feel to it.

I think that the time period they've chosen for First Class is interesting, and McAvoy & Fassbender are actually good actors who can hopefully bring at least a certain level of gravity to the film instead of making it feel like one big joke, which can kill a "comic book" movie. The characters need to be taking things somewhat seriously within the world of the film, and the actors and director need to trust that the audience will go along with it and still have a good time without the hero winking and grinning the whole time. I think that the first two X-Men films had a good balanced tone (between too serious and too cartoony), and this one seems like it will fit in with those.

:exactly: :goodpost:

I'm approaching this film as it's own thing and not trying to really tie it to the other films. Maybe that's why I don't have an issue with it from the beginning like some.

I also like to pretend in my world that the atrocity that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine never happened. :lol