Super Freak
I was never off it, but nothing today got me excited. I think I'll be able to wait for the first big price drop.
They had the reveal and then the press release last week about the DRM. I don't see why they would need to bring it up a third time.
Because neither of those happenings gave the full picture. There are still unanswered questions about core functionality of the system that they just can't keep their mouths shut about when its shadow looms over E3.
I just don't see Sony matching the $500 price tag. If they do they'll be eating some serious cash on the system and I don't think their shareholders will like that in their current financial state.
I just don't see Sony matching the $500 price tag. If they do they'll be eating some serious cash on the system and I don't think their shareholders will like that in their current financial state.
The PS4 is using similar tech to the XBox One, the PS3 cost them an arm and a leg because of the stupid cell processor. The most expensive thing in the PS4 that is going to prevent it from being cheaper then Xbox One is the RAM, Sony used ddr5 ram which is new and expensive. Sony themselves have claimed they won't launch at the same price as the PS3. The PS3 cost them over 800 dollars to produce they sold it for 600. So even if they sell it at 500 and break even until the RAM gets cheaper, they will be in a better place then the PS3.
Obviously the Kinect factored into the bump. I keep thinking that without it, the XO would've either been 1) a more powerful machine or 2)cheaper.
Exactly. I don't see why it should be any higher than the XO's price. The only significant differential in terms of hardware is the GDDR5 ram. The GPU and CPU are close in power to the XO (barring the rumor that XO's GPU is downclocked). The bump in RAM pricey, but not enough that it offsets the cost of the Kinect that comes with the XO.
It still fries my brain how they can be so arrogant as to force the kinect into every bundle now. No one over the age of 8 has any need for that POS.