Save the stupid emoticon, that wasn't funny. First, I haven't changed my stance. Second, I think XM makes some nice pieces so I have nothing against the company at all. It's become common here to trash SS at every turn so I wanted to see the competition and what all the fuss is about. After seeing this particular statue I don't get it. It looks nothing like RDJ. That's not trolling. It's an opinion on this stature. I don't like their Hulk either. I think their Cap looks really nice.
Disagree, it was funny. Also, it's common to trash SS at every turn lately in Iron Man product threads specifically because literally every single IM product they've released has been a QC ridden disaster for about 5 years now with no signs of slowing down. If you want to read people gloating over SS, go to the Court of the Dead and DC forums where their shipped products are still top notch. If you're set on reading SS Marvel threads, get used to the bashing until they ship something that isn't a mess. You stated your opinion, no problem with that, but having no interest in this piece you're hanging around just to fan flames and do exactly what you railed against in the other thread. Congrats.