Super Freak
What's crazy is that Simply Toys ran through their stock in less than 4 hours. I wonder how many that was.
lol. Thank you. It was a hard fought battle of sitting around and brooding on the internet.
Haha. I was already passed out and randomly woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Took my phone with me for some leisure reading and preorder went live. I secured magneto on the toilet.
Haha. I was already passed out and randomly woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Took my phone with me for some leisure reading and preorder went live. I secured magneto on the toilet.
Haha. I was already passed out and randomly woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Took my phone with me for some leisure reading and preorder went live. I secured magneto on the toilet.
Haha. I was already passed out and randomly woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Took my phone with me for some leisure reading and preorder went live. I secured magneto on the toilet.
Haha. I was already passed out and randomly woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Took my phone with me for some leisure reading and preorder went live. I secured magneto on the toilet.
The key for XM is to focus on the Marvel characters SS has not made or not made well. Magneto is a prime example. It'd be a Hell of a statue if the were already several 1/4 scale versions but since SS hasn't tried making one it helps make the XM one white hot. there are many choices out there for fans of Hulk and Iron Man already so no real rush. Even Black Widow has been made a few times. SS has a comic and maquette of her. GG has one. SS has a good Hawkeye but XM's is superior IMO. The XM Wolverine is looking amazing. Never cared for the SS version. Phoenix was looking like a home run but it's now on hold. I know XM's hands are tied a bit now with the X universe but I'd love a Juggernaut, Apocalypse, Sinister, Omega Red, Sabertooth, Cable, Stryfe, Shi'ar Gladiator, Havok, Archangel, and an Exodus and Savage Land Rogue to pair with Magneto.
Given the license dispute over the X-Men does that cover XM possibly doing Age of Apocalypse versions?
When they say X-Men, that covers characters that fall under the brand of X-Men. Age of Apocalypse is a storyline within X-Men. With a moratorium on X-Men stuff, only disputed characters could be in play, guys like Havok, that are also Avengers. Even then, it's probably slim, but we've already seen this happen with the movies, where both Marvel and Fox were able to have Quicksilver in their respective films without violating the licensing agreement that gives X-Men to Fox.
Marvel has change the origin of Quicksilver and the Scarletwitch to get them in the Avengers 2.
In Cap 2 they reveal that "The Twins" got their powers from a series of experiments. They do not even appear to be hinting at the existence of Mutants.
Exactly. It's a grey area. Might not exist in the collectible realm because changing the origin of a character doesn't really mean much to a statue... unless they put it on the box or something lol.
Overall though I am glad Disney is fighting Fox over the rights to X-Men. Marvel Studios needs those characters back! Fox managed 2.5-3 good films out 7 far as I'm concerned. Take away the toys from the simple kid who is breaking them.
BTW Guys, I can personally confirm that the Bundle offer isn't only a Simply Toys thing. This "offer" was extended to me by a US retailer as well. I was told that XM Studios will only offer additional allocations IF they order more of Hulk, BW or IM . My opinion, XM maybe isn't as innocent as we think...
Given XM Studios themselves sold out of Mag's on day one, I'm not sure how they could offer what they don't have. Ben and XM have been pretty upfront with all of us from day one and I would have to see some concrete evidence and not some " I know this person who knows this person who has a cousin who has a friend who was sitting in the bathroom stall next to Ben while he was on his phone black mailing vendors into forcing customers to buy multiple statues in order to get Magneto "I have to give XM the benefit of the doubt on this one.... Plus XM can't sell directly to SC so that kind of kills your story right there...
I have to come out to defend Ben. No, he did not make Simply Toys buy extras to be given more Magnetos. However, he did mention they have allocated the Magnetos based on overall orders of other statues. I think it is fair.
Simply Toys LLP
Big props to Simply Toys coming into a heated discussion and being upfront and honest. Most companies shy away and wouldn't bother jumping on a forum to set the record straight. I love what they are doing. I am sure Simply Toys earned a few extra customers by just opening themselves up to feedback and questions here. Very well done.