Wow so much love for DB/Z and no big company has picked it up and done some real.amazing stuff with the license
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Yeah man they make a lot of stuff true. Also there are 1/4 PVC statues being made. They already have Goku, Bu and Vegeta up for PO just not a fan of plastic stuffBandai is constantly doing things with the license, there are also a lot of PVC style statues that get made over in Japan. Just not big 1/4 scale type stuff.
Got taken over by the Z FightersWhat happened to the XM Magneto thread?
Agreed. Can we talk about Master of MagnetismWhat happened to the XM Magneto thread?
It's easier to talk about DBZ than to live the pain daily that Magneto is not in our houses yet.
This week I have actually been thinking about how it would b cool if XM could make an awesome Scarlet Witch, Polaris and Quicksilver to display with him. Maybe standing in the background kind of House of M feeling
If they make Polaris, then they got to make Havok too.
I have read that XM has been thinking about doing "accessories" for their statues at some point in the future. I wonder if XM has given any thought to developing backgrounds to display the statues against?
Oh the potential for dbz XM statues are incredible.
Would a 1/4 Nappa be bigger or smaller than Hulk?
We need to make a separate thread for this...
This week I have actually been thinking about how it would b cool if XM could make an awesome Scarlet Witch, Polaris and Quicksilver to display with him. Maybe standing in the background kind of House of M feeling