Super Freak
I love their business model too and the ability to give input. I just don't want to lose it. Thanks for your input and I'll try to keep my level of enlightening sheer awesomeness per post high.
I think someone mentioned in the thread earlier. Ape no kill ape.
Lets just try not to kill the puppy
I love their business model too and the ability to give input. I just don't want to lose it. Thanks for your input and I'll try to keep my level of enlightening sheer awesomeness per post high.
APES NO HAVE PETS, apes only have CAESAR!
*edit, god help me
He/She better ... no one else is going to ... LOL
yea I'm sorta own my own…lmao these xm and ss threads (thank god this hasn't spilled into the DC threads) from marvel have been nuts lately…luckily prime 1 is still free and clear of this stuff…i do wanna see more pics, hope they made the changes and will post HD pics soon!
Well JAWS and I are talking about drafting you into our little band or clique as skillet calls them...You wanna come... we have COOKIES!!!
As for all of this stuff. It is getting a little nuts. MY only wish is that people would look at the art and separate it from the company. It isn't an SSC vs XM vs PCS thing. It is art appreciations.
Haha have been lurking on the boards for awhile and very happy that photo i took has gotten you guys on the PO boat! Just to add that though it is true he looks short because of his sitting pose it really doesnt take away from the presence of this piece. I literally started at this piece for at least 15 minutes just spinning it around on the turntable it was on admiring its awesomeness. And remember this statue is almost as deep as it is tall! Better get those display shelves ready haha
I guess you can't please everyone his feet are fine.The angle of his feet are about 10 degrees off from the art print. Fix or cancel.
Thanks for the updated pic as I have already PO'd. I do like all the suggestions that went into making this piece even better than what it was (Especially Spidey and your critical eyebrow and mouth adjustments). Not only did XM respond to it, it helped people pull the trigger who wouldn't have if those changes didn't happen. I come off as neutral for the most part as I am still new to the hobby and until I learn a lot more about art I rather let the more experienced/educated forum members do the talking instead of derailing this thread with long winded nonsense. So again, my wallet thanks any and all comments that helped turn this piece (XM as well for listening) into what it is.
The angle of his feet are about 10 degrees off from the art print. Fix or cancel.
I guess you can't please everyone his feet are fine.
I get that ... I do... But unless the guys at XM have tissue paper thick skin we are still good, but keep us honest, heck keep me honest, and if you think we are getting over the line let us know. However, I really don't think we are there yet BDogg
Right on Spidey! Keep doing your thing Man. Your critiques of the statue were sound, focused, insightful, respectful, & very constructive, without a doubt, improving the statue. Which, I understand, was the whole point of XM's request for feedback from the collector/fanbase in the first place???!!!!
We collectors, & XM Studios, should be grateful. And in time, we will be.
for those who "pre-ordered" from someone is Asia, was a price announced?
it hasn't been put up for pre-order from any "official" channel yet.
I wasn't sure if someone knew the price or were folks actually paying a deposit without knowing the cost...